This project is a Haskell library for interacting with the sway window manager. It implements a monadic interface for communicating with the sway daemon via the sway socket.
For example, we can query sway for information about the current session:
ghci> withSwaySocket . runSwayT $ getVersion
SwayVersion {versionMajor = 1, versionMinor = 8, versionPatch = 1,
versionHumanReadable = "1.8.1", versionConfigPath =
ghci> withSwaySocket . runSwayT $ getWorkspaces
[Workspace {wsNum = 1, wsName = "1", wsVisible = True, wsFocused =
True, wsUrgent = False, wsRect = Rectangle {rectX = 5, rectY = 28,
rectWidth = 1910, rectHeight = 1047}, wsOutput = "eDP-1"},Workspace
{wsNum = 2, wsName = "2", wsVisible = False, wsFocused = False,
wsUrgent = False, wsRect = Rectangle {rectX = 5, rectY = 28, rectWidth
= 1910, rectHeight = 1047}, wsOutput = "eDP-1"}]
Or we can send commands to the sway daemon:
ghci> withSwaySocket . runSwayT $ runCommand "workspace number 2"
We can write computations that interact with the sway session using
the Sway
monad or it's more general SwayT
-- Enumerate a list of all workspace and output names.
workspacesAndOutputs :: Sway [String]
workspacesAndOutputs = do
outputs <- getOutputs
workspaces <- getWorkspaces
return $ (map outputName outputs) ++ (map wsName workspaces)