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quinn-dougherty committed Sep 10, 2024
0 parents commit ad75a66
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Showing 26 changed files with 1,524 additions and 0 deletions.
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions .github/workflows/lean_action_ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
name: Lean Action CI


runs-on: ubuntu-latest

- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- uses: leanprover/lean-action@v1
lake-package-directory: imp
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Formally Verified APPS
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions imp/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions imp/Imp.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import Imp.Expr
import Imp.Stmt
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions imp/Imp/Expr.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
This file exists only to re-export the contents of the `Imp.Expr` module hierarchy.
import Imp.Expr.Basic
import Imp.Expr.Delab
import Imp.Expr.Eval
import Imp.Expr.Syntax
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions imp/Imp/Expr/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
namespace Imp.Expr

/-- Unary operators -/
inductive UnOp where
| neg
| not
deriving Repr, DecidableEq

/-- Binary operators -/
inductive BinOp where
| plus | minus | times | div
| and | or
| lt | le | eq
| append
deriving Repr, DecidableEq

end Expr

/-- Expressions -/
inductive Expr where
| constInt (i : Int)
| constStr (x : String)
| constBool (x : Bool)
| var (name : String)
| un (op : Expr.UnOp) (e : Expr)
| bin (op : Expr.BinOp) (e1 e2 : Expr)
deriving Repr, DecidableEq
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions imp/Imp/Expr/Delab.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
This file makes the convenient syntax from `Imp.Expr.Syntax` show up in Lean's output. It's not part
of what's being taught in the lectures.
import Lean.PrettyPrinter.Delaborator
import Imp.Expr.Basic
import Imp.Expr.Syntax

open Lean PrettyPrinter Delaborator SubExpr Parenthesizer

namespace Imp.Expr.Delab

def annAsTerm {any} (stx : TSyntax any) : DelabM (TSyntax any) :=
(⟨·⟩) <$> annotateTermInfo ⟨stx.raw⟩

def delabNameInner : DelabM (TSyntax `varname) := do
let e ← getExpr
match e with
| .lit (.strVal s) =>
let x := mkIdent <| .mkSimple s
pure <| ⟨x.raw⟩
| _ => `(varname|~($(← delab))) >>= annAsTerm

partial def delabExprInner : DelabM (TSyntax `exp) := do
let e ← getExpr
let stx ←
match_expr e with
| Expr.constInt x =>
match_expr x with
| OfNat.ofNat _ n _ =>
if let some n' := n.nat? then
pure <| ⟨Syntax.mkNumLit (toString n') |>.raw⟩
else if let .lit (.natVal n') := n then
pure <| ⟨Syntax.mkNumLit (toString n') |>.raw⟩
else withAppArg `(exp| ~$(← delab))
| Int.ofNat n =>
if let some n' := n.nat? then
pure <| ⟨Syntax.mkNumLit (toString n') |>.raw⟩
else if let .lit (.natVal n') := n then
pure <| ⟨Syntax.mkNumLit (toString n') |>.raw⟩
else withAppArg `(exp| ~$(← delab))
| BitVec.ofNat _ _ => (⟨·.raw⟩) <$> (withAppArg <| withAppArg <| delab)
| _ =>
`(exp| ~(Expr.const $(← withAppArg delab)))
| Expr.var _ => do
let x ← withAppArg delabNameInner
| Expr.bin op _ _ =>
let s1 ← withAppFn <| withAppArg delabExprInner
let s2 ← withAppArg delabExprInner
match_expr op with
| => `(exp| $s1 + $s2)
| BinOp.minus => `(exp| $s1 - $s2)
| BinOp.times => `(exp| $s1 * $s2)
| BinOp.div => `(exp| $s1 / $s2)
| BinOp.and => `(exp| $s1 && $s2)
| BinOp.or => `(exp| $s1 || $s2)
| => `(exp| $s1 < $s2)
| BinOp.le => `(exp| $s1 ≤ $s2)
| BinOp.eq => `(exp| $s1 == $s2)
| _ => `(exp|~(Expr.bin $(← withAppFn <| withAppFn <| withAppArg delab) $(← withAppFn <| withAppArg delab) $(← withAppArg delab)))
| Expr.un op _ =>
let s ← withAppArg delabExprInner
match_expr op with
| UnOp.neg => `(exp|-$s)
| UnOp.not => `(exp|!$s)
| _ => `(exp| ~(Expr.un $(← withAppFn <| withAppArg delab) $(← withAppArg delab)))
| _ =>
`(exp| ~$(← delab))
annAsTerm stx

@[delab app.Imp.Expr.const, delab app.Imp.Expr.var, delab app.Imp.Expr.un, delab app.Imp.Expr.bin]
partial def delabExpr : Delab := do
-- This delaborator only understands a certain arity - give up if it's incorrect
guard <| match_expr ← getExpr with
| Expr.const _ => true
| Expr.var _ => true
| Expr.un _ _ => true
| Expr.bin _ _ _ => true
| _ => false
match ← delabExprInner with
| `(exp|~$e) => pure e
| e => `(term|expr {$(⟨e⟩)})

/-- info: expr { 5 } : Expr -/
#guard_msgs in
#check Expr.constInt 5

/-- info: expr { 5 } : Expr -/
#guard_msgs in
#check expr { 5 }

/-- info: expr { x } : Expr -/
#guard_msgs in
#check expr { x }

/-- info: expr { 5 + 23 - 10 } : Expr -/
#guard_msgs in
#check expr { 5 + 23 - 10 }

/-- info: expr { 5 + (23 - 10) } : Expr -/
#guard_msgs in
#check expr { 5 + (23 - 10) }

info: let x := expr { 23 };
expr { ~x * ~x } : Expr
#guard_msgs in
#check let x := expr {23}; expr {~x * ~x}
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions imp/Imp/Expr/Eval.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import Imp.Expr.Basic

open Lean

namespace Imp

inductive Value where
| str : String -> Value
| int : Int -> Value
| bool : Bool -> Value

instance : OfNat Value n := by
exact ( n)

/-- An environment maps variables names to their values (no pointers) -/
def Env := String → Value

namespace Env

/-- Set a value in an environment -/
def set (x : String) (v : Value) (σ : Env) : Env :=
fun y => if x == y then v else σ y

/-- Look up a value in an environment -/
def get (x : String) (σ : Env) : Value :=
σ x

/-- Initialize an environment, setting all uninitialized memory to `i` -/
def init (i : Value) : Env := fun _ => i

theorem get_init : (Env.init v).get x = v := by rfl

theorem get_set_same {σ : Env} : (σ.set x v).get x = v := by
simp [get, set]

theorem get_set_different {σ : Env} : x ≠ y → (σ.set x v).get y = σ.get y := by
simp [get, set, *]

end Env

namespace Expr

/-- Helper that implements unary operators -/
def UnOp.apply : UnOp → Value → Option Value
| .neg, .int i => ( ∘ Int.neg) <$> some i
| .not, .bool b => (Value.bool ∘ Bool.not) <$> some b
| _, _ => none

/-- Helper that implements binary operators -/
def BinOp.apply : BinOp → Value → Value → Option Value
| .plus, .int i, .int j => some $ (i + j)
| .minus, .int i, .int j => some $ (i - j)
| .times, .int i, .int j => some $ (i * j)
| .div, .int i, .int j => if j == 0 then none else some $ (i / j)
| .and, .bool b, .bool c => some $ Value.bool (b && c)
| .or, .bool b, .bool c => some $ Value.bool (b || c)
| .eq, .int i, .int j => some $ Value.bool (i == j)
| .eq, .bool b, .bool c => some $ Value.bool (b == c)
| .eq, .str s, .str t => some $ Value.bool (s == t)
| .le, .int i, .int j => some $ Value.bool (i <= j)
| .lt, .int i, .int j => some $ Value.bool (i < j)
|.append, .str s, .str t => some $ Value.str (s ++ t)
| _, _, _ => none

Evaluates an expression, finding the value if it has one.
Expressions that divide by zero don't have values - the result is undefined.
def eval (σ : Env) : Expr → Option Value
| .constInt i => some $ i
| .constBool b => some $ .bool b
| .constStr s => some $ .str s
| .var x => σ.get x
| .un op e => do
let v ← e.eval σ
op.apply v
| .bin op e1 e2 => do
let v1 ← e1.eval σ
let v2 ← e2.eval σ
op.apply v1 v2
126 changes: 126 additions & 0 deletions imp/Imp/Expr/Syntax.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
import Lean.PrettyPrinter.Parenthesizer
import Imp.Expr.Basic

namespace Imp.Expr

open Lean PrettyPrinter Parenthesizer

/- Add a new nonterminal to Lean's grammar, called `varname` -/
/-- Variable names in Imp -/
declare_syntax_cat varname

/- There are two productions: identifiers and antiquoted terms -/
syntax ident : varname
syntax:max "~" term:max : varname

/- `varname`s are included in terms using `var { ... }`, which is a hook on which to hang the macros
that translate the `varname` syntax into ordinary Lean expressions. -/
syntax "var " "{" varname "}" : term

/- These macros translate each production of the `varname` nonterminal into Lean expressions -/
| `(var { $x:ident }) => `(term|$(quote x.getId.toString))
| `(var { ~$stx }) => pure stx

/-- Expressions in Imp -/
declare_syntax_cat exp

/-- Variable names -/
syntax varname : exp

/-- Numeric constant -/
syntax num : exp

/-- Arithmetic complement -/
syntax:75 "-" exp:75 : exp

/-- Multiplication -/
syntax:70 exp:70 " * " exp:71 : exp
/-- Division -/
syntax:70 exp:70 " / " exp:71 : exp

/-- Addition -/
syntax:65 exp:65 " + " exp:66 : exp
/-- Subtraction -/
syntax:65 exp:65 " - " exp:66 : exp

/-- Left shift -/
syntax:55 exp:55 " <<< " exp:56 :exp
/-- Right shift -/
syntax:55 exp:55 " >>> " exp:56 :exp

/-- Boolean negation -/
syntax:75 "!" exp:75 : exp
/-- Less than -/
syntax:50 exp:50 " < " exp:51 : exp
/-- Less than or equal to -/
syntax:50 exp:50 " ≤ " exp:51 : exp
/-- Greater than or equal to -/
syntax:50 exp:50 " ≥ " exp:51 : exp
/-- Greater than -/
syntax:50 exp:50 " > " exp:51 : exp
/-- Equal -/
syntax:45 exp:45 " == " exp:46 : exp

/-- Bitwise and -/
syntax:40 exp:40 " &&& " exp:41 :exp
/-- Bitwise or -/
syntax:40 exp:40 " ||| " exp:41 :exp

/-- Boolean conjunction -/
syntax:35 exp:35 " && " exp:36 : exp
/-- Boolean disjunction -/
syntax:35 exp:35 " || " exp:36 : exp

/-- Parentheses for grouping -/
syntax "(" exp ")" : exp

/-- Escape to Lean -/
syntax:max "~" term:max : exp

/-- Embed an Imp expression into a Lean expression -/
syntax:min "expr " "{ " exp " }" : term

open Lean in
| `(expr{$x:ident}) => `(Expr.var $(quote x.getId.toString))
| `(expr{$n:num}) => `(Expr.const $(quote n.getNat))

| `(expr{-$e}) => `(Expr.un .neg (expr{$e}))
| `(expr{!$e}) => `(Expr.un .not (expr{$e}))

| `(expr{$e1 + $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .plus (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 * $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .times (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 - $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .minus (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 / $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .div (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))

| `(expr{$e1 >>> $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .rsh (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 <<< $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .lsh (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 ||| $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .bor (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 &&& $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .band (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))

| `(expr{$e1 && $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .and (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 || $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .or (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))

| `(expr{$e1 < $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .lt (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 ≤ $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .le (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 == $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .eq (expr{$e1}) (expr{$e2}))
| `(expr{$e1 ≥ $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .le (expr{$e2}) (expr{$e1}))
| `(expr{$e1 > $e2}) => `(Expr.bin .lt (expr{$e2}) (expr{$e1}))
| `(expr{($e)}) => `(expr{$e})
| `(expr{~$stx}) => pure stx

-- Copied from Lean's term parenthesizer - applies the precedence rules in the grammar to add
-- parentheses as needed. This isn't needed when adding new input syntax to Lean, but because the
-- file `Delab.lean` makes Lean use this syntax in its output, the parentheses are needed.
@[category_parenthesizer exp]
def exp.parenthesizer : CategoryParenthesizer | prec => do
maybeParenthesize `exp true wrapParens prec $
parenthesizeCategoryCore `exp prec
wrapParens (stx : Syntax) : Syntax := do
let pstx ← `(($(⟨stx⟩)))
return pstx.raw.setInfo (SourceInfo.fromRef stx)
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions imp/Imp/Stmt.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
This file exists only to re-export the contents of the `Imp.Stmt` module hierarchy.
import Imp.Stmt.Basic
import Imp.Stmt.BigStep
import Imp.Stmt.Delab
import Imp.Stmt.Optimize

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