- Time propagation
- Eigenfunction calculations
- Optimal control theory
- Grid based dynamics
- Fourier transform based derivates
- Nonadiabatic couplings
- Multiple electronic states
- Composable matrix Hamiltionians and operators
- Time dependent laser fields
QDng is packaged with NixOS-QChem and can be used directly through the overlay or the flake.
The following depencies is required:
- google protobuf (<= 3.21)
- libxml2
- lapack
- blas
- fftw3 (with openmp support)
For Wavefunction compression
- zlib (optional)
- libbzip (optional)
Use ./genbs to generate the build system (configure) after a fresh git clone. This is not need for the release tarball (call configure direcltly).
Cite as: M. Kowalewski, R. de Vivie-Riedle, "QDng: A Grid Based Molecular Quantum Dynamics Package", Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10944497