- Stacks
- Registers
- External device communication (so you can interface with code outside the VM very easily)
- Extremely simple instruction definition
The instruction set is defined in is.lua While the cpu's 'functionality' is defined in cpu.lua
"Types" for the instruction arguments are as follows:
A registers address, for example R10
A numeric type, for example 0.1
A weird choice for a VM, it exists nonetheless, strings are surrounded by "", like "Hello World"
A compound type, acts like a union between all the first 3, mostly meant for math operations so you can
rather than storing the numbers in seperate registries
The instruction syntax is very simple
multi argument instructions
SET:R1,"Hello world"
single argument instructions:
no argument instruction (none currently present)
and a special case for the 'instruction' of the label
and later can be referenced in jmp instructions like
SET:ALIAS,ANY X | Sets the value of ALIAS to ANY X
ADDR:ANY X,ANY Y,ALIAS | Adds the values of x and y, sets result in to ALIAS
DIV:ANY X,ANY Y,ALIAS | Divides x by y, stores the result in ALIAS
MOD:ANY X,ANY Y,ALIAS | Modulo of x/y, result stored in ALIAS
ADD:ALIAS, ANY X | Adds x to value already in alias
MOV:ALIAS X, ALIAS Y | Moves the value of registry x to registry y
JMP:LABEL | Unconditional Jump to {LABEL}
JMPL:ANY X, ANY Y, LABEL | jumps to {LABEL} if x > y
JMPI:ANY X, LABEL | Jumps to {LABEL} if x > 0
CMPL:ANY X, ANY Y, ANY Z, ALIAS A | Sets the value of a to z if x>y
CMPE:ANY X, ANY Y, ANY Z, ALIAS A | Sets the value of a to z if x==y
CMPN:ANY X, ANY Y, ANY Z, ALIAS A | Sets the value of a to z if x!=y
SLP:ANY X | Sets the CPU to sleep for value of x
PUSH:ANY A, ANY B, ANY C, ANY D, ANY E, ANY F | Pushes [a, b, c, d, e, f] on to the stack (values after A are optional)
POP:ALIAS A, ALIAS B, ALIAS C, ALIAS D, ALIAS E, ALIAS F | Retrieves the [a, b, c, d, e, f] from the stack (aliases after A are optional)
CCAT:ALIAS A | Concatenates the current stack and places the result in to A
SUM:ALIAS A | Sums the value of the stack and places the result in to A
These first 2 are possibly deprecated in
RMA - Register memory address
Sets the memory address for access
RMD - Register memory data
This will contain the current data for the current memory address set by (RMA)
RDBA - Register Device bus address
Points the device bus at desired device
RDMA - Register Device memory address
Points to the desired memory address for the active RDBA device
RDMD - Register Device memory data
Contains data from the RDBA device on the RDMA address, can be set or get like a regular register for manipulation
R1 - R10 Are the default general purpose registers, but more can be set in cpu.lua with gpRegisterAmount variable