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PKG(8) - System Manager's Manual


pkg - a wraper for OpenBSD's pkg* tools


pkg [delete package] [info package] [install package] [pkginfo package] [regen] [search string]


pkg is a perl(1) script that allows easier package management and more extensive searching.

pkg uses sqlports(5) for quicker, full text searching of COMMENT and DESCR fields.

The options are as follows:

delete package

Deletes package. This is a wrapper for pkg_delete(1). It is also aliased to del, and rm.

info package

Fetches package information. This is a wrapper for pkg_info(1) It is aliased to inf.

install package

A wrapper for pkg_add(1). Aliased to i.


Intended for use with tools like fzf(1). This lets one quickly look up COMMENT and DESCRIPTION for a given FULLPKGNAME. Aliased to pi.


Regenerate the full text index. Aliased to re.

search string

Search a packages COMMENT and DESCR for an arbitrary string. Returns FULLPKGNAME.


pkg was written in 2001, removed from base in 2012, revived and enhanced in 2018 and 2022.


pkg was originally written by Marc Espie <[email protected]>. Rewrite by Aaron Bieber <[email protected]>.

OpenBSD 7.1 - April 7, 2022