This program computes heatwaves events (HW).
A heatwave is defined as an uninterrupted period with extreme temperatures above a given (percentile-based) threshold. This percentile, which is calculated locally with a running window centered on each day of year, and the minimum duration (in days) required to define a heatwave are user-defined. The definition can be applied to maximum temperature (hot days), minimum temperature (hot nights), or both (hot days and nights).
To pass the arguments to the program, you have to fill in a .ini located at
To run
python HWCompute
To see the possible options, use the "-h" option to see the help:
python HWCompute -h
The output is a csv file with the following columns: longitude, latitude, start (start date), end (end date), accumulated (accumulated temperature in ºC), mean (mean temperature in ºC), maxtemp (maximum temperature recorded for each HW), mintemp (minimum temperature recorded for each HW), max_ex (maximum exceedence respect to the threshold in ºC) and sum_ex (accumulated exceedence respect to the threshold in ºC).
Furthermore, the script can be used to compute the HW statistics of HWStat. To see the options:
python /HWCompute/ -h