Releases: pymmcore-plus/pymmcore-widgets
Releases · pymmcore-plus/pymmcore-widgets
What's Changed
- fix: fix a bug in the CoreConnectedGridPlanWidget when selecting the bound mode by @fdrgsp in #396
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #397
- fix: increase range fore the "Absolute Bounds" mode in the GridPlanWidget by @fdrgsp in #402
- fix: update shutter widget color when closed by @fdrgsp in #399
Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.9.1
What's Changed
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #369
- chore: fix typing for useq 0.5 by @tlambert03 in #371
- build: drop support for python 3.8, test 3.12 by @tlambert03 in #368
- fix: fix include_z when setting stage positions value in PositionTable widget by @tlambert03 in #381
- fix: "range" in range-around z-stack widget starts form 0 (no negative numbers) by @fdrgsp in #379
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #377
- feat: indicate pre-init properties in device property browser by @fdrgsp in #382
- fix: fix z plan and hardware autofocus plan validation error by @fdrgsp in #378
- fix: fix af per pos bug on prop changed by @fdrgsp in #384
- feat: use QRadioButtons to select z_plan by @fdrgsp in #385
- ci(dependabot): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #389
- fix: disable autofocus axis widget if no autofocus device is loaded/selected by @fdrgsp in #386
- feat: Absolute stage position controls by @gselzer in #383
- feat: update the CameraRoiWidget to handle multiple cameras by @fdrgsp in #292
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #391
- Fix: Bump default maximum for IntColumn from 10_000 to 99_999 by @Gronemeyer in #394
- feat: support pymmcore-nano by @tlambert03 in #392
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #395
New Contributors
- @Gronemeyer made their first contribution in #394
Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0
What's Changed
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #306
- fix: fix bug in config wizard where core state bleeds into model by @tlambert03 in #309
- feat: add select all for hub devices by @tlambert03 in #310
- refactor: remove old MDA widget by @tlambert03 in #313
- refactor: pydantic2 syntax by @tlambert03 in #311
- feat: multi point plan useq widgets by @tlambert03 in #314
- feat: Points plan selector by @tlambert03 in #315
- feat: add overlap checkbox by @fdrgsp in #317
- feat: add minimal Points plan view by @tlambert03 in #316
- feat: add restrict well area by @fdrgsp in #319
- feat: add useq.WellPlanPlan widget with well selection by @tlambert03 in #318
- fix: WellPlateWidget initial drawing by @fdrgsp in #327
- fix: make name editable EditGroupWidget by @fdrgsp in #328
- style: fix pixel affine table by @tlambert03 in #341
- style: Manually compute sizeHint() by @gselzer in #343
- style: clarify save/load buttons in MDAWidget by @gselzer in #346
- style: unfill radio buttions in GridPlanWidget by @gselzer in #344
- fix: Align spin boxes and labels in GridPlan by @gselzer in #345
- fix: Only allow YAML save/load when YAML available by @gselzer in #347
- fix: update the GroupPresetTableWidget policy by @fdrgsp in #330
- refactor: split run mda in mda widget by @wl-stepp in #350
- fix: fix valueChanged signals on PropertyWidget by @tlambert03 in #352
- feat: Refactor GridPlanWidget by @gselzer in #351
- refactor: more grid plan cleanup by @tlambert03 in #354
- refactor: refactor stage widget by @tlambert03 in #334
- feat: reusable single-well calibration widget for plate calibration widget by @fdrgsp in #353
- feat: plate calibration widget by @tlambert03 in #355
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #357
- feat: plate navigator for HCS calibration testing by @fdrgsp in #356
- feat: reload prior config file on HCW rejection by @gselzer in #359
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #358
- feat: add High Content Screening wizard by @fdrgsp in #360
- fix: enable ct axis order by @fdrgsp in #361
- feat: add HCSWizard to MDAWIdget by @fdrgsp in #362
- fix: disable Autofocus checkbox when using HCSWizard by @fdrgsp in #364
- fix: fix splitting logic and deduplicate code in Groups Presets Widgets by @tlambert03 in #365
- refactor: full repo reorganization by @tlambert03 in #366
- build: pin useq-schema to 0.5.0 by @tlambert03 in #367
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.7.2...v0.8.0
What's Changed
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #291
- feat: Stack viewer by @wl-stepp in #187
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #294
- fix: pre test macos-13 by @fdrgsp in #296
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #297
- fix: fix attribute error in signal blocker by @tlambert03 in #302
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.7.2
What's Changed
- ci(dependabot): bump softprops/action-gh-release from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #287
- fix: fix issue with channel group widget not working with only one group by @fdrgsp in #288
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1
What's Changed
- feat: add pymmcore-plus writer to MDAWidget by @fdrgsp in #279
- chore: use ruff-format instead of black by @tlambert03 in #282
- docs: rename mda_widget to mda_demo by @tlambert03 in #283
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #284
- fix: make grid widget scrollable by @tlambert03 in #285
- fix: fix selection of axis orders in mdaWidget.setValue by @tlambert03 in #286
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0
What's Changed
- feat: add pymmcore-plus writer to MDAWidget by @fdrgsp in #279
- chore: use ruff-format instead of black by @tlambert03 in #282
- docs: rename mda_widget to mda_demo by @tlambert03 in #283
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #284
- fix: make grid widget scrollable by @tlambert03 in #285
- fix: fix selection of axis orders in mdaWidget.setValue by @tlambert03 in #286
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.7.0rc1
What's Changed
- fix: fix bugs in ChannelTable by @fdrgsp in #265
- refactor: relax expectations of imageSnapped callback by @tlambert03 in #266
- test: fix test logging warning by @tlambert03 in #270
- docs: use .mp4 + mkdocs-video by @fdrgsp in #269
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #272
- ci(dependabot): bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 by @dependabot in #275
- ci(dependabot): bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 by @tlambert03 in #276
- fix: better handle enabling and disabling MDAWidget by @fdrgsp in #267
- docs: fix docs not grabbing widget png correctly by @fdrgsp in #277
- docs: bunch of documentations fixes by @tlambert03 in #278
- fix: choose to update ImagePreview when mda is running by @fdrgsp in #273
- fix: update few MDAWidget issues by @fdrgsp in #274
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1
What's Changed
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #258
- docs: update the docs by @fdrgsp in #255
- feat: PixelConfigurationWidget with similar logic as in micromanager by @fdrgsp in #244
- feat: add the possibility to invert the axis in the stage widget by @fdrgsp in #260
- fix: hide invert xy checkboxes if not xy stage in StageWidget by @fdrgsp in #261
- fix: fix missing hub peripherals in config wizard by @tlambert03 in #264
- feat: update Autofocus related methods, warn when 'Set AF Offset per Position' checked but autofocus not engaged by @fdrgsp in #262
Full Changelog: v0.5.7...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- fix: fix the test on PyQt6 by @fdrgsp in #242
- fix: fix style of ZPlanWidget by @fdrgsp in #239
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #243
- feat: update keep_shutter_open and autofocus axis checkboxes by @fdrgsp in #231
- test: fix tests for pymmcore by @tlambert03 in #251
- ci( autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci in #252
- fix: minor fix in save config in GroupPresetTableWidget by @fdrgsp in #248
- fix: fix overlap in GridPlanWidget by @fdrgsp in #249
- feat: expose new useq_widgets and core-connected MDAWidget and update the docs by @fdrgsp in #247
- ci(dependabot): bump actions/setup-python from 4 to 5 by @dependabot in #254
- fix: fix quantity edit by @tlambert03 in #257
Full Changelog: v0.5.6...v0.5.7