This is an example of a Spring boot reactive (Webflux) app in Kotlin, made at first for a live coding and completed since then with new steps. Every step adds new features.
Master contains the most recent finished feature.
Empty files for the demo
MongoDB app is complete (end of live coding) :
- classic Spring annotations (@Service, @Repository...)
- Cow entity (data class entity)
- CowRepository Spring Data Interface
- CowHandler provide Functional functions (= take ServerRequest as parameter and returns Mono)
- ApiRoutes provides all Http REST Endpoints of the App
- DatabaseInitializer initializes the embedded MongoDB with test datas
- CowRepositoryTest provides JUnit tests for CowRepository
- ApiTest uses WebTestClient to call real Http REST API
- Generate a self signed Keystore
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystore.jks -storepass secret -dname CN=localhost -validity 360 -keysize 2048
- stored it in src/main/resources
- add HTTP/2 and SSL configuration in application.yml
- change ApiTest (InsecureTrustManagerFactory.INSTANCE) to communicate with self signed server keystore
- netty-tcnative-boringssl-static dependency is only required for Java 8, since java 9 ALPN is natively supported
- For production : make a POST and a GET endpoint for let's encrypt HTTP challenge, or use a real well signed Certificate
- Modify build.gradle to add asciidoc and Spring Restdocs
- Modify ApiTest to generate doc
- add index.adoc to expose all API documentation
- New package
- Security and Roles for endpoints is configured in SecurityConfig class
- New User entity, with UserRepository, UserService and UserHandler
- New AuthenticationHandler for POST /auth
- Followed these tutorials : jwt-on-spring-webflux
- now webservice endpoints consume and return DTOs
- mapping between POJOs is made by Extension Functions
- Bean validation with annotations
- Note : all fields for Request DTO must be nullable to prevent Jackson deserialize error if param is null. Bean validation will take care of returning a nice error to API client
- Add constraints documentation in Spring Restdocs based on Bean validation annotations
- inspired by : spring with r2dbc
- uses Kotysa SqlClient
inspired by : kofu-reactive-mongodb-sample
- No more Spring annotations
- Configuration.kt : declare functional bean registration
Allows to compare Java vs Kotlin code