Releases: pudding-tech/mikane
Releases · pudding-tech/mikane
What's Changed
- fix: Can't edit expense in mobile view by @motionduck in #390
- fix: Prevent line breaks in the expense edit/delete column by @motionduck in #391
Full Changelog: v2.3.7...v2.3.8
- chore: use environments in deploy workflows by @aydex in #338
- chore: Change development execution environment for Typescript by @motionduck in #340
- chore: bump angular by @aydex in #341
- fix: Update mobile navbar to use signal input by @motionduck in #343
- feat: Username validation by @motionduck in #345
- feat: Backend support for user preferences by @motionduck in #349
- fix: Remove sensitive user information from responses including user data by @motionduck in #352
- fix: Restrict editing/deleting user data to signed-in user by @motionduck in #353
- chore: bump angular version by @aydex in #350
- chore: update action dependencies by @aydex in #354
- fix: track by id by @aydex in #355
- feat: Preferences on account page by @motionduck in #356
- feat: Navigate to user profiles by @motionduck in #359
- feat: use mat slide toggle for user preferences by @aydex in #360
- chore: use correct backend artifact for snapshot deploy by @aydex in #361
- chore: use token instead of env variable for codecov upload by @aydex in #362
- chore: enable automatic deploy for all environments by @aydex in #363
- chore: remove rogue bracket from backend deploy action by @aydex in #364
- feat: Phone number in payments by @motionduck in #365
- feat: Private events by @motionduck in #366
- styling: manually serve material icon font by @aydex in #367
- feat: Get user by username by @motionduck in #368
- feat: Improved profile page by @motionduck in #370
- fix: Change event term 'archived' to 'settled', and other improvements by @motionduck in #377
- feat: Improve event info page, and more by @motionduck in #378
- fix: Add outlined passkey icon by @motionduck in #379
- feat: Expense dates by @motionduck in #381
- feat: navigate to event list if trying to access private event by @aydex in #383
- feat: Functionality for sending event ready-to-settle emails by @motionduck in #382
Full Changelog: v2.2.2...v2.3.0
- chore: rework bump and deploy workflows by @aydex in #328
- fix: don't use dry run for snapshot deployment by @aydex in #329
- fix: build branch instead of commit that triggered build event by @aydex in #330
- fix: fetch latest before building snapshot by @aydex in #331
- chore: build snapshot as part of bump job by @aydex in #332
- fix: One more snapshot workflow fix attempt by @aydex in #335
- fix: last fix for real this time by @aydex in #336
- fix: Disable edit event inputs for non-active events + fix hidden 'ready to settle' text for mobile by @motionduck in #337
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.2.2
- chore: create frontend build and deploy workflow by @aydex in #291
- test: add frontend tests by @aydex in #292
- chore: create backend build and deploy workflow by @motionduck in #293
- test: Frontend testing by @aydex in #295, #299, #301, #310
- feat: No resource message on mobile by @motionduck in #296
- test: add test for feature components/directives by @aydex in #297
- chore: add ESLint config and fix linting errors by @aydex in #300
- feat: Filtering for payers and categories on expenses page by @motionduck in #303
- feat: Filtering for mobile by @motionduck in #307
- feat: Go to participant expenses (mobile) by @motionduck in #308
- feat: Multiple event statuses by @motionduck in #312
- feat: Event "ready to settle" status by @motionduck in #313
- chore(deps-dev): bump @babel/traverse from 7.22.10 to 7.23.2 in /app/mikane by @dependabot in #315
- chore: bump angular version to 17 by @aydex in #316
- chore(angular): use new angular build system by @aydex in #319
- chore: Update backend testing by @motionduck in #320
- feat: Super-admins - restrictions on managing guests by @motionduck in #321
- feat: Mobile - 'Remove user from event' button by @motionduck in #322
- feat: Expenses info on category + prevent deletion of categories with expenses by @motionduck in #324
- feat: Scroll service, hide buttons when page is at bottom by @motionduck in #325
- fix: use event name as title in event tabs by @aydex in #326
- chore: Add backend deploy and frontend test deploy by @aydex in #327
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v2.2.0
- feat: Split payments into separate lists by @motionduck in #251
- feat: add sorting to participant list by @aydex in #254
- feat: Archive events - backend by @motionduck in #256
- feat: Split events into active and archived sections by @motionduck in #259
- test: add test for login page by @aydex in #261
- feat: add user improvements by @aydex in #262
- feat: Event settings page by @motionduck in #264
- feat: User deletion improvements by @motionduck in #266
- feat: add filter to expense table by @aydex in #270
- feat: Profile page by @aydex in #271
- fix: nav bar link not active when expense filtered by @aydex in #275
- feat: hide buttons and actions when event is archived by @aydex in #276
- feat: Guest users - backend by @motionduck in #277
- feat: Different avatars for users and guests by @motionduck in #282
- feat: Guest users page by @motionduck in #281
- feat: Mobile layout - Profile by @motionduck in #284
- fix: Edit category and expense issues by @motionduck in #285
- feat: Expense page (mobile) by @motionduck in #286
- feat: prefill guest user info when registering a guest user by @aydex in #288
- feat: Event info page for non-admins by @motionduck in #289
- chore: Improve backend build by @motionduck in #290
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.1.0
- Change to one-user <-> many-events architecture by @motionduck in #31
- Loaduserbalance change by @aydex in #33
- User management - backend by @motionduck in #39
- OpenAPI documentation by @motionduck in #40
- Improve user functionality in backend by @motionduck in #41
- Error handling & validation - backend by @motionduck in #43
- User management frontend by @aydex in #52
- Add PUD error codes for database procedures by @motionduck in #54
- Add .circleci/config.yml by @aydex in #55
- Test fixes by @aydex in #57
- Backend functionality for editing events by @motionduck in #59
- Angular standalone migration by @aydex in #60
- Category error codes by @motionduck in #65
- Improvements to design by @motionduck in #66
- Implement split button by @aydex in #69
- Redesign menu in header by @motionduck in #70
- Backend improvements and fixes by @motionduck in #80
- User-event data and more by @motionduck in #93
- Use multiple data sources in participants page by @motionduck in #94
- Custom session store by @motionduck in #96
- Docker build arguments for API documentation server by @motionduck in #101
- Align amount column on payment structure page by @motionduck in #102
- Get event by name by @motionduck in #105
- API keys by @motionduck in #106
- Logo and web page icon by @motionduck in #108
- Improve event selection clickbox and design by @motionduck in #109
- Username in header by @motionduck in #110
- Reset password functionality by @motionduck in #111
- Forgot password form by @motionduck in #114
- User info in events by @motionduck in #120
- Refactor error response handling by @motionduck in #121
- Events paginator and styling by @motionduck in #122
- Multiple event admins by @motionduck in #125
- bump angular to v16 by @aydex in #126
- implement context service and mobile device check by @aydex in #128
- implement breakpoint observer by @aydex in #129
- Environment variables overhaul by @motionduck in #131
- Mobile layout - expenses by @motionduck in #139
- Rebrand to Mikane by @motionduck in #140
- implement password reset page by @aydex in #141
- make split button a generic component by @aydex in #142
- Mobile layout - events by @motionduck in #143
- add missing add event button for mobile events page by @aydex in #146
- Error handler for invalid JSON in body by @motionduck in #151
- Category icons by @motionduck in #152
- Improve DB container initialization by @motionduck in #153
- API tests by @motionduck in #155
- Use UUID as resource identifiers by @motionduck in #156
- Mobile layout - event navbar by @motionduck in #158
- add sorting to expense table by @aydex in #160
- add admin check for expense delete button by @aydex in #161
- open category with current weight and only allow numbers by @aydex in #163
- preselect current user as payer when creating new expense by @aydex in #164
- prevent user from submitting invalid event and made description optional by @aydex in #165
- display correct weights when toggling category weighted by @aydex in #166
- Mobile layout - login by @motionduck in #167
- use material select when not on mobile by @aydex in #168
- add frontend support for category icons by @aydex in #172
- set icon form control properly by @aydex in #174
- add min validation for category user weight by @aydex in #175
- add ripple to split button dropdown items for visual feedback by @aydex in #176
- add validation feedback when registering user based on backend response by @aydex in #177
- Migrate to PostgreSQL database by @motionduck in #171
- Mobile layout - account, register, reset password by @motionduck in #187
- iOS specific styling by @motionduck in #195
- User avatar support via Gravatar by @motionduck in #191
- Number of expenses per user by @motionduck in #194
- Various backend improvements by @motionduck in #199
- Mobile layout - participants by @motionduck in #200
- Better display names + API coverage by @motionduck in #201
- show error message on account page if getting user fails by @aydex in #203
- fix error that prevented user editing by @aydex in #205
- Hide expense table if participant has no expenses by @aydex in #204
- only show delete button on participant page expenses if expanded part… by @aydex in #206
- fix weighted input field vertical alignment by @aydex in #208
- add validation to expense dialog by @aydex in #207
- Run postgres functions upon container start by @motionduck in #209
- Invite users via email by @motionduck in #210
- feat: implement invite user page by @aydex in #211
- feat: Revamp account deletion, and more by @motionduck in #213
- feat: add auth guards to prevent access by @aydex in #215
- feat: implement delete account page by @aydex in #216
- feat: Backend validation endpoints by @motionduck in #218
- feat: Show user avatars, and more by @motionduck in #224
- Frontend testing by @aydex in #225
- feat: Endpoints for editing expense/category by @motionduck in #226
- refactor: use output and event emitter for split button actions by @aydex in #230
- fix: Validation endpoints for editing by @motionduck in #232
- feat: Delete user overhaul by @motionduck in #234
- feat: implement async validation by @aydex in #235
- test: add tests for loggedInGuard and authGuard by @aydex in #236
- feat: Mobile layout - categories by @motionduck in #237
- feat: Mobile layout - invite by @motionduck in #238
- feat: Mobile layout - delete account by @motionduck in #239
- feat: Mobile layout - payments by @motionduck in #240
- feat: Improve categories page by @motionduck in #242
- feat: implement category and expense editing by @aydex in #243
Full Changelog: 1.1.0...v2.0.0
- Sort expenses by date added + QoL changes by @motionduck in #16
- Backend: Endpoints for renaming users and categories by @motionduck in #1
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.1.0