This is Quiplibre, a Free Software alternative to Quiplash. It relies on the HappyFunTimes party games system.
- If you have the quiplibre executable, run the executable. The executable can be found in the releases tab of this project's github page.
- Install Node.js on your computer, if it isn't already installed
- clone this git repo, or download the zip file and extract it to where ever you want this project to live
- run "npm install" on the directory (this is what RUNMEFIRSTTIME.bat does)
- each time you want to run the game, run "npm start" in the directory (this is what RUNME.bat does) (If you aren't using Windows, please note that the batch files I just mentioned are also valid shell scripts, so you can still use them. If you are using Windows, just ignore this parenthetical entirely.)
Open a browser window and go to This should connect your device to the game. Make sure your device is on the same WiFi as your computer.
NOTE: HappyFunTimes claims it will only work on home network, and is unlikely to work on corporate networks, coffee shops, airport WiFi, etc...
Sure, just modify prompts.json. It's a big ol' list of prompts. You must surround your prompt in quotation marks (either 'single' or "double") and after the closing quotation mark put a comma. Give it a shot!
You might want to make a copy of the unaltered prompts.json first and put it somewhere convenient, so you can go back to the default prompts easily.
So I notice this project is missing a lot of the bells and whistles of Quiplash, such as music, timers, colors, etc
Yeah, I couldn't be bothered. If you'd like to try to spruce Quiplibre up, go right ahead :)
Raise an issue or submit a pull request on Only submit prompts you have the legal right and volition to release under the project's license, though. Don't be stealing copyrighted works to submit as Quiplash prompts!
Here are the three most important files:
main.js # electron's initial script.
# It starts happyfuntimes and
# opens game.html in a window
game.html # the game. All HTML/CSS/JavaScript are in this file
# for simplicity
controller.html # the controller. This is served to player's devices
# when they go to
This project is released under the license found in LICENSE.txt. This project depends on various other projects, which are not our responsibility and which are released under their own licenses.