A Library to that provides hidden options on swiping with built-in animations.
HiddenLayout creates a view using two layouts overlapped over each other - when you slide the upper-layout, the layout underneath is visible. This is very much similar to the slide animations we often see in iOS apps like iMessages. To make it work, all you need to do is provide two separate layouts and provide them to the Custom View which will be explained in a later section. You can refer to the sample layouts given in the library.
Include the dependencies
implementation 'com.psx95:hidden-layout-view:0.1.0'
implementation 'com.android.support:support-dynamic-animation:27.1.1'
And add the Support for JAVA 8
android {
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
You're all set.
Fling | Spring |
![]() |
![]() |
HiddenLyout with Fling Animation | HiddenLayout with Spring Animation |
The above view is a result of providing the following layouts to the HiddenLayoutView -
Layout Above | Layout Below |
layout-above is provided as an argument to layout_over property | layout-below is provided as an argument to layout_under property |
The layout-above completely overlaps layout-below by default and the view translates with configured animations upon dragging or flinging.
- layout_over (layout reference) - This is the layout that will overlap the hidden layout and will contain the view that will be visible initially.
- layout_under (layout reference) - This is the layout that will be under the layout_over and will not be visible unless an action (Fling or Drag) is made by the user. This layout will contain the View which you want to reveal after the user makes an action.
- revealPercentageViewRight (float) - This is float and should be between 0 and 1. Indicates the % of the layout_under you wish to reveal once the user makes the swipe action. The view will be revealed from right end of the screen. Default value is 0.2 which is 20%
- animationEffect - Allows user to select the preferred animation for revealing the hidden view. Currently 2 available options - dragWithSpring (Uses Android's Spring Animation) and normalFling (Uses Android's Fling Animation)
- scaleHiddenView (boolean) - This indicates if you want the view to scale if the Drag action is exceeds the revealPercentageViewRight.
- maxMovementFactorForSpring (float) - This indicates the maximum drag allowed after the revealPercentageViewRight of layout_under has been revealed. Default value is 2.
If revealPercentageViewRight is set to 0.2(20%) and maxMovementFactorForSpring is set to 2 (200%),
Then you can drag the over_layout to a maximum of 0.4 (40%)
- As soon as you stop dragging, it will come back to 20%
- flingFriction (float) - This indicates the default friction for the Fling type animation. You can read more about Friction in FlingAnimation here. Default Value is 0.8
- flingFrictionReverse (float) - This indicates the default friction for the reversefling Animation - which comes into effect if the revealed view is closed using the function - closeRightHiddenView(). Recommended Value range is between 0.001 to 0.1, default value is 0.001.
HiddenLayoutView hiddenLayoutView;
hiddenLayoutView = findViewById(R.id.hidden_view);
- void closeRightHiddenView() - Used to close the hidden view if its open.
- void changeAnimation(String animationType) - Used the switch between animation types (DRAG and FLING). The parameters passed to this function can be ANIMATION_FLING or ANIMATION_DRAG_SPRING. Both of these are static constants described in the library.
- View getInflatedUnderLayout() - Returns the Inflated View of the layout_under. Helpful in finding individual views on the hidden layout and setting up listeners on them.
- View getInflatedOverLayout() - Returns the Inflated View of the layout_over. Helpful in finding individual views on the hidden layout and setting up listeners on them.
- DynamicAnimation getAnimationInEffect() - Returns the current selected Animation (either SpringAnimation or FlingAnimation) object. The returned object can be used to customize various animation properties. Various properties of SpringAnimation can be found here and FlingAnimation properties can be found here.
- DynamicAnimation getReverseAnimationInEffect() - Does the same thing as the getAnimationInEffect() but returns object for Animation that is used to close the hidden view.
- void setDampingAndStiffnessForDragWithSpringForward(float damping, float stiffness) - Used to modify the damping ratio and stiffness of the Sping animation.
- void setDampingAndStiffnessForDragWithSpringReverse(float dampning, float stiffness) - Used to modify the damping ratio and stiffness of the Reverse Sping animation(The one used to close the view).
- AnimationUpdateListeners.OverLayoutEventListener.onOverLayoutClickReceived(View v) - Listens for the click events occouring on the over_layout.
hiddenLayoutView.setOverLayoutEventListener(view ->
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Pressed Revealed View "+view.getId(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());
- AnimationUpdateListeners.UnderLayoutEventListener.onUnderLayoutClickReceived(View v) - Listens for click events occouring on the under_layout.
hiddenLayoutView.setUnderLayoutEventListener(view -> {
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),"Pressed View hidden "+view.getId(),Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
- AnimationUpdateListeners.onMaxSpringPull() - Called whenever the user drags the layout_over to the maximum allowed.
hiddenLayoutView.setAnimationUpdateListeners(() -> Toast.makeText(context,"Max Pull event",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show());
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
hiddenLayoutView = findViewById(R.id.hidden_spring);
protected void onDestroy() {
This will automtically close any open views when the users switches between activities.