This repository provides build scripts to create a Universal AppImage for Ghostty. This unofficial build offers an executable AppImage compatible with any Linux distribution.
Ghostty Source Code: Click Here
- Download the latest AppImage from the releases section.
- Follow the installation instructions below to run the AppImage.
- Ghostty AppImages are available for both x86_64 and aarch64 systems.
- Stable builds are based on upstream releases, with minor fixes and patches released as version+1 tag(s).
- Daily nightly builds, based on the upstream tip releases, are built and released at 00:00 UTC every day and are available as pre-releases in the releases section.
Command Line (Manual)
Run the following commands in your terminal:
# Download the latest AppImage package from releases
# Make the AppImage executable
chmod +x Ghostty-${VERSION}-${ARCH}.AppImage
# Run the AppImage
# Optionally, add the AppImage to your PATH for easier access
# With sudo for system wide availability
sudo install ./Ghostty-${VERSION}-${ARCH}.AppImage /usr/local/bin/ghostty
# Without sudo, XDG base spec mandate
install ./Ghostty-${VERSION}-${ARCH}.AppImage $HOME/.local/bin/ghostty
# Now you can run Ghostty from anywhere using the command:
Command Line (Automatic)
Ghostty AppImage can be accessed through Soar or AM/AppMan. These tools automate the installation process, configure the PATH, and integrate with your desktop environment when installing AppImages.
Using Soar
# Install soar install ghostty # Upgrade soar update ghostty # Uninstall soar remove ghostty
Using AM or AppMan (Choose one as appropriate)
# Install am -i ghostty # Upgrade am -u ghostty # Uninstall am -r ghostty
Note: Ensure you have the necessary permissions to run these commands. For more detailed usage, refer to the documentation of each tool.
Graphical (Manual)
- Download the latest AppImage package from the releases section.
- Locate the downloaded file in your file explorer (e.g., Nautilus, Thunar, PCManFM).
- Right-click the downloaded file and select Properties.
- Navigate to the Permissions tab and check the box that says Allow executing file as program/Executable as Program.
- Close the properties window and double-click the AppImage file to run it.
Graphical (Automatic)
Ghostty AppImage can easily be managed using graphical tools such as AppImageLauncher and Gear Lever.
Using AppImageLauncher
For detailed instructions, please refer to the AppImageLauncher documentation.
With the launch of AppImageLauncher v3.0.0, you have to use the alpha pre-releases as the stable release doesn't work with the static runtime
For more information please refer the discussion and the comment
Using Gear Lever
- Download the latest AppImage package from the releases section.
- Simply drag and drop the files from your file manager into the Gear Lever application.
- Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the setup as a one-time installation process.
Note: Ensure the necessary prerequsites are satisfied for these applications. For more detailed usage, refer to the documentation of each tool
Since AppImages are self-contained executables, there is no formal installation process beyond setting executable permissions.
Update (Manual)
- Download the latest AppImage package from the releases section.
- Follow the same steps as in the Installation section to make it executable and run it.
Update (Automatic)
- Use AppImageUpdate which reads the update information in the AppImage. This is a low level tool.
- Use a higher level tool that uses AppImageUpdate, like AppImageLauncher, AM or appimaged daemon, these tools also automatically handle desktop integration.
Refer file
Contributions & Bugfixes are welcome. If you like to contribute, please feel free to fork the repository and submit a pull request.
For any questions or discussions, please open an issue in the repository.