Releases: project-ncl/bacon
Releases · project-ncl/bacon
- Disallowing builds with specific suffix(AB)
- [NCL-8165] Allow to suppply license exception jsons as parameter
- Add a new CamelRuntimeDependenciesToAlignTree which can determine first level dependencies and filter out non-supported artifacts
- [NCL-8212] Add ProjectNameGenerator
- [NCL-8212][AB] Add option to reuse AB created BCs as is
- Clean files created during test runs
- License fixes
- [NCL-8087] Remove check for BC "stealing"
- [NCL-8084][AB] Redirect System.out from Domino calls to logger
- [NCL-8212][AB] When no persistent build is found, search temporary build
- Add OTEL to MDC for instrumentation using PiG/PNC subcommands
- Add experimental module and Autobuilder implementation
- [NCL-7767] Add excludeProductizedArtifacts option
- Add a draft field to pig config
- [NCL-7989] allow to exclude specific builds in sources generation
- [NCLSUP-836] Only consider maven artifacts for report
- Allowing only permanent artifacts to be analyzed
- [NCLSUP-273] Fix pig ignoring description
- [NCL-7767] Remove redhat suffix from BC name
- Upgrade quarkus version to 2.16.4
- [NCL-7592] Add option to include external builds in repo and sources
- Update PME to version 4.15
- Fix issues in GAV constructor and methods
- [NCLSUP-836] Only consider maven artifacts for report
- Fix replacing ',' with ' ' in align parameters
- [NCL-7606] fix license generation
- Fix empty zipfiles causing unexpected nvrs in nvrlist
- Upgrade quarkus version to 2.15.3
- Update DA version, adding new lookup endpoint
- Add Jackson options to allow saving PigConfiguration as YAML
- [NCL-7080] Refactor CLI to read logs of completed builds from Bifrost
- [NCLSUP-827] Fix parsing includeJavadoc, includeMetadata, IncludeLicenses
- Support for Maven repo generation that consists of multiple steps
- Include artifacts with JSON extensions into the Maven repo ZIP for RESOLVE_ONLY strategy
- [NCLSUP-795] Check if product version is set in group config
- License fixes
- [NCLSUP-796] Builds always return DR1 version
- Fix error when skipping configure during pig run
- Repository generation strategy RESOLVE_ONLY fixes:
- make sure versions aren't missing when resolving dependencies of non-managed artifacts
- allow file-based URLs for extensionsListUrl
- add missing JAR artifacts for POM artifacts with jar packaging
- support for transitive dependency exclusions when performing Maven
dependency resolution requests
- Set IncludeNotFound to false as not found artifacts are ignored anyway
- Include default jars before outputting all effective jars to debug log
- Improve local MRRC builds with RESOLVE_ONLY by preferring versions managed in BOMs
- [NCL-7241] Support GAV instead of GATV to find PNC build config
- [NCLSUP-690] Add option for --skipAddon for pig cli
- Add new vertx plugins FindTransitiveDuplicateArtifactsInDepTree and SaveBuildLogsLocally
- Add DA lookup-gav command
- [NCLSUP-720] Add option to set productManagers and productPagesCode when creating product
- [NCL-7262] Add build configuration clone support
- Add functionality to filter available GAV with brew availability and artifact type
- Add Deliverable Analyzer commands
- [NCL-7283] Make bacon pig run wait and not run multiple builds of same configuration in parallel
- [NCL-7380] Introduce --lookup-mode parametr for DA lookup. Deprecate --temporary and --managed-service parameters.
- Add --revision, --environment-by-name, --rename options to pig export build-config
- [NCL-7320] Add ability to include all sources in the generated sources zip
- [NCLSUP-690] Addon::getName observability changed to public
- [NCL-7272] Hide netty debug message about using Unsafe
- [NCL-7274] Bacon getting build logs ends with premature end of chunk
- [NCL-7155] scm url not properly sanitized in bacon to check if it matches an existing one
- Change the ordering so that the generateDocuments are ran before the triggerAddOns
- Improve lookup command descriptions
- Fix get-gav error when there is no result found
- Check for product version change and update group configuration accordingly
- Fix ConcurrentModificationException when generating extended sources
- New security scanning service (PSSaaS) added as addon into bacon
- [NCL-7146] Allow lookup of DA alignment versions via a filename
- Add bannedArtifacts parameter to RESOLVE_ONLY repo generation strategy
- Allow RESOLVE_ONLY repo generation against multiple BOMs
- Add resolveArtifacts parameter of RESOLVE_ONLY
- [NCL-7146] Order the DA lookup result based on input