Support for Maven repo generation that consists of multiple steps
Include artifacts with JSON extensions into the Maven repo ZIP for RESOLVE_ONLY strategy
[NCLSUP-795] Check if product version is set in group config
License fixes
[NCLSUP-796] Builds always return DR1 version
Fix error when skipping configure during pig run
Repository generation strategy RESOLVE_ONLY fixes:
make sure versions aren't missing when resolving dependencies of non-managed artifacts
allow file-based URLs for extensionsListUrl
add missing JAR artifacts for POM artifacts with jar packaging
support for transitive dependency exclusions when performing Maven
dependency resolution requests
Set IncludeNotFound to false as not found artifacts are ignored anyway
Include default jars before outputting all effective jars to debug log
Improve local MRRC builds with RESOLVE_ONLY by preferring versions managed in BOMs
You can’t perform that action at this time.