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A replacement for but instead of LaTeX, it uses MathJax.


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This is a replacement for but instead of LaTeX, it uses MathJax.

Auttomatic's open-source Jetpack plugin has a LaTeX feature that is hardcoded to call

It works like this:



If we squint real hard, we can break down img src into $_GET parameters:

latex.php ? latex=<LaTeX> & fg=<ForegroundColor> & ...

Such a URL returns a PNG containing math rendered by LaTeX.

Hot Swap

Prior to the existence of this microservice, we called for our math needs. (Thanks WordPress!)

Pressbooks users wanted a MathJax solution.

MathJax's CommonHTML output works great in webbooks, but not in PDFs, EPUBs, MOBIs, ...

Nowadays, Pressbooks uses CommonHTML output in webbooks, SVGs in PDFs, and PNGs in MOBI/EPUBs.

The SVGs and PNGs are generated as follows:



  • http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=<LaTeX>
  • Foreground color: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=<LaTeX>&fg=00ff00
  • Font: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=<LaTeX>&font=Gyre-Pagella
  • DPI: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=<LaTeX>&dpi=300

Mix and match fg=<RRGGBB>, font=<string> and dpi=<number> as needed.


  • http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=<LaTeX>&svg=1
  • Foreground color: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=<LaTeX>&fg=00ff00&svg=1
  • Font: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=<LaTeX>&font=Gyre-Pagella&svg=1

Ie. same as PNG above with svg=1 added. Because SVGs are vector images, DPI is not used.

AsciiMath and MathML

Same as LaTeX above but instead of latex?latex=<LaTeX> do:

  • AsciiMath: http://localhost:3000/asciimath?asciimath=<AsciiMath> ...
  • MathML: http://localhost:3000/mathml?mathml=<MathML> ...

Base64 Encoded Formulas

You can now pass base64 encoded formulas to avoid URL encoding issues with complex mathematical expressions:

  • LaTeX: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=eF4yICsgeV4yID0gej4y&isBase64=true
  • AsciiMath: http://localhost:3000/asciimath?asciimath=c3VtXyhpPTEpXm4gaV4zPSgobihuKzEpKS8yKV4y&isBase64=true
  • MathML: http://localhost:3000/mathml?mathml=PG1hdGg-PG1pPng8L21pPjwvbWF0aD4&isBase64=true

The isBase64 parameter can be set to either true or 1. For URL safety, the base64 encoded formulas above don't include padding characters (==).

Base64 Encoding Examples

Here are some examples of formulas and their URL-safe base64 encoded versions (without padding):

Formula URL-safe Base64 Encoded
x^2 + y^2 = z^2 eF4yICsgeV4yID0gej4y
\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a} XGZyYWN7LWIgXHBtIFxzcXJ0e2JeMi00YWN9fXsyYX0
\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx = \frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2} XGludF8wXl5pbmZpbml0eSBlXnsteFxeMn0gZHggPSBcZnJhY3tcc3FydHtccGl9fXsyfQ

When encoding formulas for use with this service:

  1. Convert your formula to base64
  2. Replace any + with -
  3. Replace any / with _
  4. Remove any trailing = padding characters

Example of Base64 Encoding in PHP

function urlSafeBase64Encode($string) {
    $base64 = base64_encode($string);
    $urlSafe = strtr($base64, '+/', '-_');
    return rtrim($urlSafe, '='); // Remove padding

$formula = '\frac{-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}';
$encodedFormula = urlSafeBase64Encode($formula);
$url = "http://localhost:3000/latex?latex={$encodedFormula}&isBase64=true";

Example of Base64 Encoding in JavaScript

function urlSafeBase64Encode(string) {
    const base64 = btoa(string);
    const urlSafe = base64.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_');
    return urlSafe.replace(/=+$/, ''); // Remove padding

const formula = '\\frac{-b \\pm \\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}';
const encodedFormula = urlSafeBase64Encode(formula);
const url = `http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=${encodedFormula}&isBase64=true`;

Additional Rendering Parameters

You can now customize the rendering with these additional parameters:

  • em: Font size in pixels (default: 16)
  • ex: x-height in pixels (default: 8)
  • width: Container width in pixels (default: 1000)
  • lineWidth: Line width in pixels (default: 1000)
  • scale: Scaling factor (default: 1)

Examples with Additional Parameters

  • Larger font size: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=x^2+y^2=z^2&em=24&ex=12
  • Custom width: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=x^2+y^2=z^2&width=800&lineWidth=800
  • Scaled formula: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=x^2+y^2=z^2&scale=1.5
  • Combined parameters: http://localhost:3000/latex?latex=x^2+y^2=z^2&em=20&scale=1.2&fg=0000ff&svg=1


Install Node.js 18.x LTS, Then:

git clone [email protected]:pressbooks/pb-mathjax.git
cd pb-mathjax
npm install
npm start

Finally, go to: http://localhost:3000/

Deploy to a Production Server

Install PM2 on your server, then:

cd ~/code/github/pressbooks/pb-mathjax
npm install --only=prod
pm2 start bin/www --name pb-mathjax

Pb-mathjax will be available at http://YOURSERVER:3000/ and will run forever (or until you kill PM2.) Use in Pressbooks as the value for PB_MATHJAX_URL

More info:

Deploy to AWS Lambda

Install Claudia.js, then:

cd ~/code/github/pressbooks/pb-mathjax
claudia create --handler lambda.handler --deploy-proxy-api --region us-east-1 --timeout 15 --memory 256 --profile yourself --use-local-dependencies

Where us-east-1 is your AWS region and yourself corresponds to an identity in your ~/.aws/credentials file.

If everything goes well, the above command will finish after a few moments and print a response with a URL. Use in Pressbooks as the value for PB_MATHJAX_URL

More info:

If you are deploying not for the first time, use

rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
npm install --arch=x64 --platform=linux
claudia update --use-local-dependencies

This will download the dependencies needed for Linux and deploy to AWS Lambda.


A replacement for but instead of LaTeX, it uses MathJax.








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