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LspStopServer: Stop all and stop specific (#1491)
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It is convenient to be able to stop all LSP servers, regardless of the
currently active buffer.

Also, it seems confusing that when a server name is specified, it is
only stopped if it is also one handling the current buffer type.  I
would imagine it is quite rare to have more than one server handing a
specific buffer type.  And if one explicitly specified a name, it seems
reasonable to stop this particular server, regardless of the currently
active buffer.
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ilya-bobyr authored Sep 9, 2023
1 parent d802909 commit aa93b2a
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Showing 4 changed files with 110 additions and 14 deletions.
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions autoload/lsp.vim
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Expand Up @@ -95,6 +95,10 @@ function! lsp#get_server_names() abort
return keys(s:servers)

function! lsp#is_valid_server_name(name) abort
return has_key(s:servers, a:name)

function! lsp#get_server_info(server_name) abort
return get(get(s:servers, a:server_name, {}), 'server_info', {})
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -128,6 +132,19 @@ function! s:server_status(server_name) abort
return 'not running'

function! lsp#is_server_running(name) abort
if !has_key(s:servers, a:name)
return 0

let l:server = s:servers[a:name]

return has_key(l:server, 'init_result')
\ && !has_key(l:server, 'exited')
\ && !has_key(l:server, 'init_callbacks')
\ && !has_key(l:server, 'failed')

" Returns the current status of all servers (if called with no arguments) or
" the given server (if given an argument). Can be one of "unknown server",
" "exited", "starting", "failed", "running", "not running"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1329,6 +1346,13 @@ function! lsp#server_complete(lead, line, pos) abort
return filter(sort(keys(s:servers)), 'stridx(v:val, a:lead)==0 && has_key(s:servers[v:val], "init_result")')

function! lsp#server_complete_running(lead, line, pos) abort
let l:all_servers = sort(keys(s:servers))
return filter(l:all_servers, {idx, name ->
\ stridx(name, a:lead) == 0 && lsp#is_server_running(name)
\ })

function! lsp#_new_command() abort
let s:last_command_id += 1
call lsp#stream(1, { 'command': 1 })
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69 changes: 65 additions & 4 deletions autoload/lsp/ui/vim.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -127,17 +127,78 @@ function! lsp#ui#vim#rename() abort
call s:rename(l:server, input('new name: ', expand('<cword>')), lsp#get_position())

function! lsp#ui#vim#stop_server(...) abort
let l:name = get(a:000, 0, '')
for l:server in lsp#get_allowed_servers()
if !empty(l:name) && l:server != l:name
function! s:stop_all_servers() abort
for l:server in lsp#get_server_names()
if !lsp#is_server_running(l:server)

echo 'Stopping' l:server 'server ...'
call lsp#stop_server(l:server)

function! s:stop_named_server(name) abort
if !lsp#is_valid_server_name(a:name)
call lsp#utils#warning('No LSP servers named "' . a:name . '"')

if lsp#is_server_running(a:name)
echo 'Stopping "' . a:name . '" server...'
call lsp#stop_server(a:name)
call lsp#utils#warning(
\ 'Server "' . a:name . '" is not running: '
\ . lsp#get_server_status(a:name)
\ )

function! s:stop_buffer_servers() abort
let l:servers = lsp#get_allowed_servers()
let l:servers =
\ filter(l:servers, {idx, name -> lsp#is_server_running(name)})

if empty(l:servers)
call lsp#utils#warning('No active LSP servers for the current buffer')

for l:server in l:servers
echo 'Stopping "' . l:server . '" server ...'
call lsp#stop_server(l:server)

function! lsp#ui#vim#stop_server(stop_all, ...) abort
if a:0 != 0 && a:0 != 1
call lsp#utils#error(
\ 'lsp#ui#vim#stop_server(): expected 1 optional "name" argument.'
\ . ' Got: "' . join(a:000, '", "') . '".')
let l:stop_all = a:stop_all ==# '!'
let l:name = get(a:000, 0, '')

if l:stop_all
if !empty(l:name)
call lsp#utils#error(
\ '"!" stops all servers: name is ignored: "' . l:name . '"')

call s:stop_all_servers()

if !empty(l:name)
call s:stop_named_server(l:name)

call s:stop_buffer_servers()

function! lsp#ui#vim#workspace_symbol(query) abort
let l:servers = filter(lsp#get_allowed_servers(), 'lsp#capabilities#has_workspace_symbol_provider(v:val)')
let l:command_id = lsp#_new_command()
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29 changes: 20 additions & 9 deletions doc/vim-lsp.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1909,17 +1909,28 @@ Prints the status of all registered servers. Use `:verbose LspStatus` to
additionally show each server's workspace_config.
See also |vim-lsp-healthcheck|.

LspStopServer [name] *:LspStopServer*
LspStopServer[!] [name] *:LspStopServer*

If 'name' is not specified, then all active servers that handle files matching
the current buffer type are stopped. This is often what you want. For
example, if you have multiple files of different types open, `LspStopServer`
will only stop the server for the current buffer.

When 'name' is provided, it acts as an additional restriction, only stopping
server that handles the current buffer type, if it also matches the specifie
name. 'name' value is compred to the 'name' property in the
|lsp#register_server()| call.
Stops all active servers that handle files matching the current buffer type
are stopped. This is often what you want. For example, if you have multiple
files of different types open, `LspStopServer` will only stop the server for
the current buffer. Shows an error if there are no active LSP servers for the
current buffer.


Stops all active servers, regardless of the current buffer. Shows a message
for every stopped server.

:LspStopServer name

Stops a server named 'name', comparing the provided ID with the value of the
the 'name' property in the |lsp#register_server()| call. Shows an error if
'name' does not match a defined and currently running server.

Completion should list only currently running servers for the 'name' argument.

Autocommands *vim-lsp-autocommands*
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion plugin/lsp.vim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ command! LspPeekImplementation call lsp#ui#vim#implementation(1)
command! -nargs=0 LspStatus call lsp#print_server_status()
command! LspNextReference call lsp#internal#document_highlight#jump(+1)
command! LspPreviousReference call lsp#internal#document_highlight#jump(-1)
command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,lsp#server_complete LspStopServer call lsp#ui#vim#stop_server(<f-args>)
command! -nargs=? -bang -complete=customlist,lsp#server_complete_running LspStopServer call lsp#ui#vim#stop_server("<bang>", <f-args>)
command! -nargs=? -complete=customlist,lsp#utils#empty_complete LspSignatureHelp call lsp#ui#vim#signature_help#get_signature_help_under_cursor()
command! LspDocumentFold call lsp#ui#vim#folding#fold(0)
command! LspDocumentFoldSync call lsp#ui#vim#folding#fold(1)
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