dotfiles from home directory
My configurations for neovim (at least version 0.7), neovide, neovim-qt files.
Based on Lua.
Mostly a port from my original vimscript.
Original Lua configuration ideas taken from Neovim-from-scratch
The current configuration has diverged significantly from the setup in Neovim-from-scratch, with tons of custom functions. Example changes:
custom functions for finding top level git directory, Telescope search, Telescope find files
custom autocommands for setting background (dark / light) based on daylight. The daylight is determined based on timings (7 am to 7 pm), or optionally based on a file
. There is no configuration for this - the nvim configuration automatically falls back to 7 am to 7 pm if this file is absent or if it is unable to be read correctly. The format of this file is - just one entry with four numbers, with the hours in 24 hour format:starthour startminute endhour endminute
This file can be populated once a day or once a week using a cronjob. This command may take a couple of seconds to execute and hence it is not a good idea to run it from inside nvim. An example shell script that can be run from the cronjob is the following:
#!/bin/sh # Substitude "<latitude>" and "<longitude>" below with the values at your # location. At present the location is a fixed value. If you are not roaming # around the world every other day then it is going to be fixed anyway url='<latitude>&lng=<longitude>&time_format=24' curl -s -X GET "$url" | \ tr ',' '\n' | \ sed -n -e '/^"sun/s/^"sun.*:"\([0-9]\+\):\([0-9]\+\):.*$/\1 \2/p' | \ tr '\n' ' ' > ~/.config/nvim/day_time_file.txt
custom setting for root vs normal user so that editor settings for root user is very distinctive.
custom functions for setting fonts based on whether I am working on my laptop and whether laptop is connected to (larger) external display
custom Lua functions for coc.nvim
custom Lua based settings for cscope. Latest neovim does not have cscope support any more -
custom setting for checking whether we are running in a terminal
Zsh configuration files. Most of them are more than a decade old.