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pengyin-shan edited this page Feb 8, 2022 · 7 revisions

The following are a series of common issues people have encountered. Please let us know if you find solutions to other issues that may be useful to the community.


  1. pg Installation Error
  2. Cannot Edit Secret

Post Installation

  1. The page isn’t redirecting properly Error

  2. Cannot Interpret SASS file

  3. Webpacker can't find application.js


1. pg Installation Error

If you find pg gem cannot be installed after running bin/setup or bundle install command, make sure you have PosgreSQL and/or its binary package installed on your machine.

For example, in Ubuntu 20, you need to run sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev first.

2. Cannot Edit Secret

Running EDITOR="Your_Favorite_Editor --wait" bin/rails secrets:edit could just resulting in some message in terminal without opening your favorite editor.

This could happens if you don't set up your editor correctly on your machine. Try Your_Favorite_Editor such as code in terminal to verify your editor could be open smoothly.

Post Installation

1. The page isn’t redirecting properly Error

After you finish the installation process and open the localhost:3000 for the first time, you might see a The page isn’t redirecting properly Error error message in your browser. This could be a reminder that your RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY environment variables is not set properly.

Check your .env file for the RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY and RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY variables. After assigning the correct value, restart your server to solve this problem.

2. Cannot Interpret SASS file

If you see following after opening the localhost:3000 for the first time:

import not found or unreadable: ../../../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/_bootstrap.scss

You might use the wrong version of node. Check to make sure version of node is 12, then run npm install yarn and rake yarn:install again.

3. Webpacker can't find application.js

If you see following after opening the localhost:3000 for the first time:

Webpacker can't find application.jsin /home/pengyin/RoRWorkspace/roadmap/public/packs/manifest.json. Possible causes:

You might use the wrong version of node. Check to make sure version of node is 12, then run npm install yarn and rake yarn:install again.