You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 71
Here you can find the configuration for the many different files in the LWC folder. Be sure not to touch what you're not sure about, and make sure you use spaces, not tabs.
locale: en
The language LWC will use, specified by its ISO 639-1 code.
flushInterval: 10
How often updates are batched to the database (in seconds). If set to a higher value than 10, you may have some unexpected results, especially if your server is prone to crashing.
cacheSize: 10000
LWC regularly caches protections locally to prevent the database from being queried as often. The default is 10000 and for most servers is OK. LWC will also fill up to when the server is started automatically.
precache: -1
How many protections are precached on startup. If set to -1, it will use the cacheSize value instead and precache as much as possible
showNotices: true
If true, players will be sent a notice in their chat box when they open a protection they have access to, but not their own unless is set to true
showMyNotices: false
If true, players will be sent a notice in their chat box when they open a protection they own.
opIsLWCAdmin: true
If true, ops will be considered LWC admins (e.g with a Permissions plugin, considered to have lwc.admin) and thus will have very destructive LWC commands.
disableHistory: false
If true, LWC will not log history about protections. If you are using LWC-Economy and this is disabled, you will NOT receive refunds for purchased protections
groupPrefix: 'group'
The permission node prefix that is used to match player groups when no supported permission plugin is found, e.g group.vip matches the player's group as vip
updateNotifier: true
If you will be notified of LWC updates
onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOnline: false
Protections are only active when a player is online. So if a player is offline, anyone can access it. If the player is online, it functions normally.
onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOffline: false
Protections are only active when a player is offline
exemptBlocks: []
Block IDs to automatically blocks from /lwc admin purge, /lwc admin expire, etc.
optOut: false
Unused. You can now disable Metrics from the PluginMetrics/config.yml file.
- hopper
Blocks that cannot be placed around someone else's protection. This is most useful
- player
Players that are blocked from destroying any blocks protected by LWC. Mainly useful for MCPC where mods can remove blocks and try to break the block by sending an event first (e.g turtle)
useProtectionLimits: true
If protections limits will be enabled (defaults to unlimited protections)
adapter: sqlite
The database adapter to use, for example sqlite (default) or mysql
path: 'plugins/LWC/lwc.db'
This is strictly for SQLite only and should be left alone. When changing to MySQL and this is left intact, LWC will automatically convert your protections from SQLite to MySQL
host: 'localhost'
The MySQL host. You can specify a non-default port (3306) by adding :port, e.g host: 'localhost:3307'
database: 'lwc'
The database LWC should use to store data (not necessary for SQLite)
username: ''
The username LWC should use to connect to the server with (not necessary for SQLite)
password: ''
The password LWC should use to connect to the server with (not necessary for SQLite)
prefix: 'lwc_'
The prefix for LWC tables. For example, a prefix of 'lwc_' will make the protections table show up as lwc_protections
ping_interval: 300
The interval between pinging the MySQL server to keep it alive (in seconds)
denyRedstone: false
Whether or not to prevent redstone from opening doors and stuff.
denyHoppers: true
Whether hoppers will be blocked by default. If true, you must use '/chopper on' to enable hopper use on a protected container.
autoRegister: off
Whether or not to lock a block as soon as it's placed.
ignoreBlockDestruction: false
Whether block breaks will be processed. Do not enable this unless you know what you're doing.
ignoreLeftClick: false
Whether or not to ignore left clicks on a protected block.
ignoreRightClick: false
Whether or not to ignore right clicks on a protected block.
ignoreExplosions: false
Whether or not to allow explosions to destroy protected blocks.
allowEntityBreakDoor: false
Whether or not zombies can break down your doors.
allowEntityInteract: false
If entities - such as villagers - should be allowed to interact with protections.
quiet: false
Creation messages and protection notices will not be shown for this protection
readonly-modify: false
If true, users will be prevented from modifying a protection they own. Only LWC admins will be able to modify the protections.
readonly-remove: false
If true, users will be prevented from removing a protection they own. Only LWC admins will be able to modify the protections.
Here, you can add, remove, or modify blocks that may be protected. Any block listed in the Spigot Material API can be added here. Entries must match exactly the name on that page, in lowercase. Keep in mind that the page lists all materials in MineCraft, and not just blocks.
Example configuration:
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
Whether or not to enable the protection.
autoRegister: false
Whether to automatically lock the block as it's placed.
enabled: true
crossWorld: false
Whether or not drop transfer mode is enabled. (Dropped items go to a chest)
enabled: true
Whether or not persist mode is enabled. (Commands will be automatically repeated)
enabled: true
Enable the opening of Iron Doors when you click on them
doubleDoors: true
If true, double doors will open, presuming they are both protected and you can access both
action: toggle
Actions: toggle: the door will just open if it's closed, or close if it's opened. Will not auto close, openAndClose: the door will automatically close after . If it was already opened, it will NOT re-open.
interval: 3
The amount of seconds after opening a door for it to close. No effect if openAndClose name is not being used.
Use this if you want to set up limits for how many protections players are allowed to have. Configurable per block, with a default, for everyone, groups, or players.
Example configuration:
# default to unlimited protections
default: unlimited
chest: 5
furnace: 1
# Overrides for Permissions groups
# 5 chests, unlimited everything else
default: unlimited
chest: 5
# 5 total protections
default: 5
# Gives Notch unlimited protections
default: unlimited
enabled: true
Whether or not the magnet should be enabled (Nearby items go to a chest)
radius: 2
The radius around containers that they will suck up
perSweep: 10
How many items to check per sweep (per world). It is HIGHLY UNRECOMMENDED to use a very high value.
- dirt
- stone
A blacklist of items that will NOT be picked up. Item names usually work, but be careful.
allowRegionPermissions: true
If true, allow protections to use region-level permissions (i.e., reuse WG region member lists as the block-level ACL)
allowProtectionsOutsideRegions: true
If true, protections will be allowed in non-regioned areas
requireBuildRights: true
If the player needs to have build rights in a region to be able to protect blocks using LWC
- '*'
Regions that LWC protections SHOULD be allowed in
- 'Region1'
Regions that LWC protections should NOT be allowed in
towny.yml (for Towny integration)
townBorders: false
If true, LWC will only allow protections to be created inside of Towns via the Towny plugin
cleanup.plotClear: false
Should LWC remove protections when a plot is cleared?
cleanup.townUnclaim: false
Should LWC remove protections when the town is unclaimed?
cleanup.townRuin: false
Should LWC remove protections when a town goes to Ruin?