A debugging proxy like CharlesProxy written in plain Ruby. You can intercept requests, redirect or rewrite them using simple callbacks.
- Add, modify or delete headers.
- Do conditional rewrite based on request headers.
- Combine multiple profiles, chain rules.
- Generally, be more creative and productive.
Install dbic++ with sqlite3 first
- https://github.com/deepfryed/dbicpp#debian
- https://github.com/deepfryed/dbicpp#macosx
brew install https://raw.github.com/deepfryed/dbicpp/master/brew/dbicpp.rb
Install the gem dependencies next
bundle --path gems --binstubs
You need to setup a profile for rewriting urls. You can find a sample in profiles/sample.rb
map 'http://www.google.com', 'http://www.google.com.au'
map 'http://www.google.com.au', 'http://localhost:3000'
scope 'www.google.com', 443 do
connect 'github.com', 443
map 'https://github.com/', 'https://github.com/dashboard' do |request|
request.headers.replace 'Host', 'github.com'
on_response do |response|
response.headers.replace 'X-FooBar-Key', 'test'
mock 'http://www.cnn.com', Class.new(Sinatra::Base) { get(%r{/.*}) { 'hot news'} }
on_request 'example.com' do |request|
halt_request(request, 200, {}, 'hello world!')
# terminal/screen 1
./bin/foreman start
# terminal/screen 2
curl -v -k --proxy http://www.google.com/hello-world
curl -v -k --proxy https://www.google.com/
curl -v -k --proxy http://www.cnn.com/
Go to http://localhost:8081/ or whatever url chuck displays.
Chuck uses a self-signed certificate to construct SSL certificates on the fly. This will trigger warnings in your browser or applications.
To get around those, add Chuck's cerificate as a trusted authority in your browser or mobile device.
- iPhone, Android: navigate to the CA url displayed on console when you run Chuck
- Firefox, etc: Add
to your trusted certificates list - openssl on debian:
sudo cp certs/server.crt /etc/ssl/certs/chuck-proxy.pem
cd /etc/ssl/certs
sudo ln -s chuck-proxy.pem `openssl x509 -noout -hash -in chuck-proxy.pem`.0
cd -
- The proxy always intercepts SSL requests even if there is no remap of request, this is not ideal.
- There is no proxy keep-alive support yet.