For baseband wireless signal processing. A follow-up research of my thesis. Can be used for other complex-valued (CV) signal processing. Based on PyTorch and Keras.
Contributions are wellcomed.
- Baseband signal parameter estimation using DL model
- CV convolutional layers
- Activation, pooling etc. layers for CV neural networks
- Scaleable and rotatable convolutional layers
- CV-CNN layer building
- PSK, GFSK generator
- GFSK signal parameter estimation
- PSK, GFSK signal classifier with both RV-CNN and CV-CNN
Paper for CV-CNN and more: Deep Complex Networks
Planning to use capsule net brought by Hinton
开发一个用于处理无线通信基带信号的深度的神经网络, 理论上也适用于其他复信号处理. 重点在于:
- 研究复信号卷积网络的基础构架
- 研究如何处理复数时间序列特有的相位, 和采样率问题