App + script to read iphone ARkit position and read and send images over tcp network to python script
. They to visualize images and positions of recordings with Qt app.
- Install Iphone app on your IPhone located in
folder - Set phone IP (visible in app) in python script
(make sure phone and laptop are connected to same network) - Run:
and press start and stop record, visualize 3d trajctory afterwards.
- Install colmap (macOs):
brew install colmap
- export trajectory and images for colmap (with button) (4 hz, total 52 images)
- run feature extraction (colmap):
colmap feature_extractor --database_path database.db --image_path colmap_export/images --ImageReader.camera_model PINHOLE
(3 sec) - run feature matching:
colmap exhaustive_matcher --database_path database.db
(50 sec) - copy camera.txt and images.txt to colmap as prior:
mkdir -p colmap_export/sparse/0
cp colmap_export/sparse/cameras.txt colmap_export/sparse/0/
cp colmap_export/sparse/images.txt colmap_export/sparse/0/`
- run colmap 3d reconstruction:
colmap mapper --database_path database.db --image_path colmap_export/images --output_path colmap_export/sparse --Mapper.init_image_id1 1
(1 min 40 sec) - visualize running:
colmap gui
, pressFile -> Import Model -> (select "sparse/0" folder)
TODO: use DISK and lightglue and compare with current colmap only approach
TODO: Implement dense pointcloud with with colmap (MVS), run in collab
- export to ply format (for gaussan splatting):
colmap model_converter --input_path colmap_export/sparse/0 --output_path output.ply --output_type PLY
- Visualize again with open3d: