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pietrotedeschi authored Jul 24, 2020
1 parent b9b5c74 commit cf06813
Showing 1 changed file with 165 additions and 0 deletions.
165 changes: 165 additions & 0 deletions ppca.pv
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
PPCA - Privacy-Preserving Collision Avoidance for Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Authors: Pietro Tedeschi, Savio Sciancalepore and Roberto Di Pietro
Division of Information and Computing Technology (ICT)
College of Science and Engineering (CSE)
Hamad Bin Khalifa University (HBKU), Doha, Qatar
{ptedeschi, ssciancalepore, rdipietro}

(* ./proverif ppca.pv *)

(*Dolev-Yao model Open Channel*)
(*Channel between drone A and drone B*)
free c:channel.

(* The attacker should not have knowledge of the actual location (secret).
But, the secret is still "weak": it does not have many possible states.
For example, a simple '(Lat, Lon)' coordinate, even when encrypted, has only one possible state.
So even if the actual location is secret, it can possibly be guessed.
'weaksecret loc' indicates that loc is a private location, and the attacker should not know it,
but nonetheless, it's possible to guess easily. *)
free locA: bitstring [private].
weaksecret locA.
free locB: bitstring [private].
weaksecret locB.

(* Types, Constants and Variables *)
type radius.
type height.
type angle.
type ilist.
type origin.
type nonce.
type seed.
type ts.

(* Elliptic Curve Generator Point *)
type G.
const g: G [data].

(* Public and Private Key *)
type pkey.
type skey.

(* Auxiliary Functions *)
fun map(bitstring, origin, radius, height, angle):bitstring.
fun add(bitstring, nonce):bitstring.
fun add_bb(bitstring, bitstring):bitstring.

fun dif(nonce, bitstring):bitstring.
fun dif_bb(bitstring, bitstring):bitstring.

fun gen(nonce, G):bitstring.
fun mul(bitstring, pkey):bitstring.
fun mul_nb(nonce, bitstring):bitstring.
fun mul_sb(skey, bitstring):bitstring.

fun append_list(pkey, bitstring, bitstring):ilist.

(* Public key Cryptography *)
fun pk(skey): pkey.

(* Signature functions*)
fun sign(bitstring, skey): bitstring.
reduc forall m: bitstring, k: skey; getmess(sign(m, k)) = m.
reduc forall m: bitstring, k: skey; checksign(sign(m, k), pk(k)) = m.

event end_PPCA_B(pkey).
event end_PPCA_A(pkey).

(* A formal query, specifying the attacker can't ever be leaked the
actual location during the protocol. *)
query attacker(locA).
query attacker(locB).

(*Verify the non interference property for the location A and B*)
(* noninterf locA.
noninterf locB. *)

(* The process for Drone A*)
let droneA (skA:skey, pA:pkey) =
(* Preparation *)
new RA: radius;
new hA: height;
new aA: angle;
new vA: nonce;
new Va: ts;
new UA: ilist;
new OA: origin;

let posA = map(locA, OA, RA, hA, aA) in
let EA1 = gen(vA, g) in
let EA2 = mul(add(posA, vA), pA) in

let sigmA = sign((EA1, EA2, UA, OA, RA, hA, aA, Va, pA), skA) in
out(c, ((EA1, EA2, UA, OA, RA, hA, aA, Va, pA), sigmA));

(* Comment the previous "let sigmA" and "out" and uncomment the following.
Here we can demonstrate the leakage of the location (via bruteforce) when
the nonce is not taken into account. *)
(* let sigmA = sign((EA1, mul(posA, pA), UA, OA, RA, hA, aA, Va, pA), skA) in
out(c, ((EA1, mul(posA, pA), UA, OA, RA, hA, aA, Va, pA), sigmA)); *)

in(c, ((EB1:bitstring, EB2:bitstring, UBA1:bitstring, UBA2:bitstring, OB:origin, RB:radius, hB:height, aB:angle, Vb:ts, pB:pkey), sigB:bitstring));

let check = checksign(sigB, pB) in
let mAB = dif_bb(UBA2, mul_sb(skA, UBA1)) in

event end_PPCA_B(pB).

(* The process for Drone B*)
let droneB (skB:skey, pB:pkey) =
(* Preparation *)
new RB: radius;
new hB: height;
new aB: angle;
new vB: nonce;
new Vb: ts;
new OB: origin;
new UB: ilist;
new sB: nonce;
new qB: nonce;

in(c, ((EA1:bitstring, EA2:bitstring, UA:ilist, OA:origin, RA:radius, hA:height, aA:angle, Va:ts, pA:pkey), sigA:bitstring));

let check = checksign(sigA, pA) in

let posBA = map(locB, OA, RA, hA, aA) in
let UBA1 = add_bb(mul_nb(sB, EA1), gen(qB, g)) in
let UBA2 = add_bb(mul_nb(sB, EA2), mul(dif(qB, mul_nb(sB, posBA)),pA)) in

let UB = append_list(pA, UBA1, UBA2) in

let posB = map(locB, OB, RB, hB, aB) in
let EB1 = gen(vB, g) in
let EB2 = mul(add(posB, vB), pB) in

let sigmB = sign((EB1, EB2, UB, OB, RB, hB, aB, Vb, pB), skB) in
out(c, ((EB1, EB2, UBA1, UBA2, OB, RB, hB, aB, Vb, pB), sigmB));

(* Comment the previous "let sigmB" and "out" and uncomment the following.
Here we can demonstrate the leakage of the location (via bruteforce) when
the nonce is not taken into account. *)
(* let sigmB = sign((EB1, mul(posB, pB), UB, OB, RB, hB, aB, Vb, pB), skB) in
out(c, ((EB1, mul(posB, pB), UB, OB, RB, hB, aB, Vb, pB), sigmB)); *)

event end_PPCA_A(pA).

new xA: skey;
let XA = pk(xA) in
new xB: skey;
let XB = pk(xB) in
((!droneA(xA, XA)) | (!droneB(xB, XB)))

(* Verification summary:
Weak secret locA is true.
Weak secret locB is true.
Query not attacker(locA[]) is true.
Query not attacker(locB[]) is true.

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