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Officially Supported Training Exercises
This page describes all of the training exercises maintained by Project ShootOFF. These exercises are installed by default with new installs of ShootOFF.
Added in ShootOFF 1.0
Targets: Any target whose regions are annotated with points (e.g. AQT_Silhouette, SimpleBulleye_score, ISSF, IPSC, USPSA, etc.)
Description: Shoot for Score is intended to make practicing trigger control a more enjoyable experience. Print out a scored target, tape it to your wall, and add the corresponding virtual target. After turning on the exercise any shot that hits a scored region will add the corresponding number of points to the score for the detected laser color. Laser colors are scored separately to allow you to challenge a friend. Each shot is recored in the shot timer with the number of points the shot earned you. Score totals are shown in the top left of the webcam feed.
Added in ShootOFF 3.6
Targets: Any target whose regions are annotated with points (e.g. AQT_Silhouette, SimpleBulleye_score, ISSF, IPSC, USPSA, etc.)
Description: This exercise does not require a target, but one may be used to give the shooter something to shoot at. If a target with score areas is used, the scores are displayed and tracked. When the exercise is started you are asked to enter a range for randomly delayed starts, and for the interval (PAR time) in which those scores will be counted. You are then given 10 seconds to position yourself. After a random wait (within the entered range) a beep tells you to draw the pistol from its holster and fire at your target; a chime signals the end of the Par time, to finally re-holster. This process is repeated as long as this exercise is on.
Added in ShootOFF 1.0
Targets: Any target whose regions are annotated with subtarget names (e.g. SimpleBullseye_five_small, IPSC, USPSA)
Description: Random Shoot is intended to help you practice quickly acquiring varying targets. This exercise is used with targets that have regions with distinct names. Print out one of the supported targets and tape it to your wall. Add the corresponding virtual target before turning on the exercise. After the exercise is turned on with an appropriate target, ShootOFF will call out a random string of subtargets. You must shoot these targets in the stated order. If you miss the target you are supposed to shoot, ShootOFF will repeat the name. After you finish with the current string, ShootOFF will generate another random string and you can go again.
Added in ShootOFF 3.6
Targets: Any target whose regions are annotated with subtarget names (e.g. SimpleBullseye_five_small, IPSC, USPSA)
This exercise works with targets that have subtarget tags assigned to some regions. When the exercise is started you are asked to enter a range for randomly delayed starts, and for the interval (PAR time) in which those scores will be counted. You are then given 10 seconds to position yourself. After a random wait (within the entered range), a randomly selected subtarget is called out, telling you to draw the pistol from its holster and fire at your target; a chime signals the end of the Par time, to finally re-holster. The score for each shot, performed during the PAR time and hitting the subtarget, is points assigned to that subtarget (or 1 if there is no assignment). This process is repeated as long as this exercise is on.
Added in ShootOFF 1.4
Targets: Any target or no target
Description: Timed Holster Drill is intended to help you practice quickly drawing a handgun and getting one or more shots off. Accuracy is not a factor in this exercise, thus no target is necessary. We do recommend that you print out a target and tape it to your wall to have something to shoot at. When you first start this exercise a window with the title "Delayed Start Interval" will appear. This window allows you to configure the range of times in which a beep can be produced to signal that you need to draw and shoot. After you hit OK on this window a period of 10 seconds will elapse with nothing happening. Use this time to position yourself in the room and get ready for the first beep. Note that 10 seconds can feel like a long time if you're already ready: be patient, it is probably working. After 10 seconds has elapsed, ShootOFF will initiate the command, "Shooter, make ready!"; this is your signal that the first beep is about to occur. At this point ShootOFF will pick a random number between the min and max you set earlier and will wait that number of seconds before producing a beep. When the beep occurs, draw and fire. ShootOFF will immediately start another cycle, thus a beep could occur again in as little time as the min value you entered. It does not matter if you miss cycles, do not feel too rushed to reholster and go again. The length column in the shot timer shows you the number of seconds that elapsed between the last beep and when the marked shot was detected. We recommend varying the number of shots you take during each cycle.
Added in ShootOFF 1.4
Targets: Any target whose regions are annotated with points (e.g. AQT_Silhouette, SimpleBulleye_score, ISSF, IPSC, USPSA, etc.). Use the ISSF target for the most authentic experience
Description: This exercise implements the ISSF 25M Standard Pistol event documented at the bottom of this page: http://www.pistol.org.au/events/disciplines/issf. Print out a scored target, tape it to your wall, and add the corresponding virtual target. When you first start this exercise a window with the title "Delayed Start Interval" will appear. This window allows you to configure the range of times in which a beep can be produced to signal the start of a round. After you hit OK on this window, 10 seconds will elapse to let you position yourself in the room and prepare to fire. ShootOFF signals that a round is about to start by giving the command, "Shooter, make ready!"; after a random period of time within the interval you set previously a beep will occur to signal the start of the round. There are a total of 12 rounds: you will be asked to shoot 5 times within 150 seconds each in four separate rounds, followed by the same thing four more times with 20 seconds per round, and finally, four rounds of 10 seconds. A round will immediately end after 5 shots are fired if the time does not elapse first. When a round ends, ShootOFF will say, "Round over," and will tell you to prepare for the next round by stating, "Shooter, make ready!" if there is another round left. When the event ends (all rounds are completed) ShootOFF will say your score out loud. You can start a new event by clicking Reset on the main ShootOFF window or by adding the Reset target and shooting it from a distance. You can click through your shots in the shot timer before starting a new event. The shot timer will show you the number of points each shot earned and which round the shot occured in. If you are using the ISSF target the best possible score is 600. Anything over 500 is considered to be quite good.
Added in ShootOFF 3.2
Targets: None required, this exercise adds its own targets
Description: This exercise randomly moves shoot (gray ring) and don't shoot (red ring) targets around the arena. All targets bounce off the arena bounds and targets of the same type can bounce off of each other. Don't shoot targets are always able to overlap shoot targets. This exercise is scored. Your score is the tally of how many shoot targets you have hit since shooting your last don't shoot target.
Added in ShootOFF 2.1
Description: This exercise only works on the projector arena and is intended to be used with a friend. Add a dueling tree to the projector arena and assign a side to each participant. After five seconds a beep will be heard, this is your signal to start shooting plates on your side of the tree. When you have shot all of the plates on your side to the other side you will hear a beep and receive a point. A new round will automatically start after 5 seconds, also signaled with a beep.
Added in ShootOFF 2.1
Targets: None required, this exercise adds its own targets
Description: This exercise only works on the projector arena. It will randomly add between 1 and 6 shoot targets and 1 and 6 don't shoot targets. You have 10 seconds to shoot the targets with a grey ring around them without shooting targets that have a red ring around them. Not hitting a shoot target in the provided amount of time counts against you, as does shooting a don't shoot target. After 10 seconds have elapsed, a new random set of targets is presented.
Added in ShootOFF 3.7
Targets: Any set of targets as long as you have at least one stop target
Description: This exercise assumes you will load one of the provided steel challenge courses or lay out your own. When the beep sounds you must shoot every target at least once, ending with the stop target (target with an 's' on it). After you hit the stop target, ShootOFF will tell you your time and how many targets you missed. After you hit the stop target a new round will automatically start.
This exercise is intended to help you practice for steel challenge competitions.