A not so comprehensive list of Geek Holidays celebrated online.
01/02 - National Science Fiction Day and Isaac Asimov's birthday.
01/03 - J.R.R. Tolkien's birthday.
01/08 - Roy Batty's Incept date (Blade Runner) and Stephen Hawking's birthday.
01/12 - HAL 9000 goes online.
01/15 - Wikipedia Day.
01/17 - Ben Franklin's birthday.
01/23 - Wear Your Nerdiest T-Shirt Day.
01/25 - Apple Computer Day.
01/26 - Dungeons & Dragons Day.
01/28 - Data Privacy Day.
02/08 - Clean Out Your Computer Day.
02/11 - National Inventors Day.
02/14 - Pris' Incept date (Blade Runner).
02/15 - Galileo Galliei's birthday.
02/19 - Nicolaus Copernicus' birthday.
02/27 - Pokemon Day.
03/02 - Raspberry Pi Birthday Jam (Day 1)
03/03 - Raspberry Pi Birthday Jam (Day 2)
03/04 - Game Master's Appreciation Day.
03/11 - Douglas Adams' and James T. Kirk's Birthday.
03/13 - World Wide Web's 31st birthday (2020)
03/14 - Pi Day.
03/23 - Hellboy Day!
03/23 - Wernher von Braun's Birthday.
03/24 - Ada Lovelace Day.
03/25 - Tolkien Reading Day.
03/30 - Table Top Day.
03/31 - World Backup Day.
04/02 - Arduino Day #ArduinoD16
04/05 - First Contact Day. If you're a nerd/geek you'll know what this is. #trek
04/09 - Global Internet of Things (IoT) Day. #iotday
04/11 - International Tabletop Day. Break out the D&D books and celebrate! #tabletopday
04/22 - Earth Day
04/23 - World Book Day. #WorldBookDay
04/25 - DNA Day.
04/26 - Alien Day.
04/28 - National Superhero Day.
05/02 - World Password Day.
05/04 - Happy Star Wars Day. May the 4th be with you!
05/07 - Free Comic Book Day (First Saturday in May).
05/08 - Mother's Day (the first woman to ever love your geekiness).
05/23 - International Synthesizer Day.
05/25 - Geek Pride and Towel Day. Happy Towel Day, froods!
05/31 - International Amiga Day.
06/16 - Captain Picard Day.
06/19 - Father's Day.
06/25 - Free RPG Day.
06/28 - Felicia Day's birthday.
07/10 - Nikola Tesla Day.
07/13 - Embrace Your Geekness Day.
07/27 - System Administrator Day and Gary Gygax Day.
07/29 - Wil Wheaton's birthday.
08/16 - Debian Day. #DebianDay
08/19 - Gene Roddenberry was born on this day in 1921.
08/20 - H.P. Lovecraft's Birthday.
08/22 - Ray Bradbury's birthday.
09/12 - Programmer's Day (Sep. 12 or 13).
09/19 - Talk Like A Pirate and Software Freedom Day (Sep. 19).
09/22 - Hobbit Day.
09/26 - Batman Day.
10/03. Techies Day and Virus Appreciation Day.
10/13 - Happy Ada Lovelace Day! Celebrating the world's first computer programmer. #AdaLovelaceDay
10/31 - Halloween.
11/07 - Marie Curie was born on this day in 1867.
11/23 - TARDIS Day. Celebrating when the very first episode of Doctor Who aired on Nov. 23, 1963.
11/30 - Computer Security Day.
12/05 - Pretend You're a Ninja Day.
12/25 - Grav-Mass Day and Sir Isaac Newton's birthday.
Created by Patrick H. Mullins. You can find me on Twitter and on Telegram as @pmullins.
Source is released under the MIT License (MIT) license.