list AWS security group dependencies, so you know which security group has reference to other group
it can be used to find out the security group used by which ec2/elb/rds/lambda/redshift/elasticache/eni instance
or you can list security groups not used by any of ec2/elb/rds/lambda/redshift/elasticache/eni instance and can be safely deleted
Python 3+ and boto3 installed. you can install boto3 by:
pip install boto3
download the python file
setup your boto credentails.
here's a few options:
setup environment varialbes: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
or create one or some of below files (boto will evaluate in order):
and put your credentials in the file(s) with below format:
aws_access_key_id = <your_access_key_here>
aws_secret_access_key = <your_secret_key_here>
python --region <region_name> [--list] [--obsolete | --eni_only] [security_group]
$ python --region us-east-1 mingbotest-A
sg-b4566ad1 (mingbotest-A)
|-- sg-9b566afe (mingbotest-C2)
|-- sg-9f566afa (mingbotest-C1)
| |-- sg-69576b0c (mingbotest-D2)
| | `-- sg-b4566ad1 (mingbotest-A) ** loop
| `-- sg-64576b01 (mingbotest-D1)
| `-- sg-9b566afe (mingbotest-C2)
|-- sg-8b566aee (mingbotest-B2)
`-- sg-86566ae3 (mingbotest-B1)
Used by:
ec2: i-7cf19ebf (Mingbotest-ec2-1)
ec2: i-7e219ebf (Mingbotest-ec2-1)
eni: eni-06ae977f