GURU-BOT- Simple Multi Device whatsapp bot.
- If You don't have an account in Heroku. Create a account.
- Watch the following video tutorial, for assistance.
- Now Deploy
- If You don't have an account On Railway. Create a account.
- Fork and star this repo.
- Now head towards, select Deploy from repo.
- Now select the forked repository, select branch.
- Now go to Variables and add variable listed below.
- Go to Deployments and wait for deplyment to complete.
- and you're good to go.
- If You don't have an account On Okteto. Create a account.
- Fork and star this repo.
- Now head towards Lunch Dev Environment
- Now select the forked GURU BOT repository.
- Now go to Variables and add variable listed below.
- Then Click Lunch and wait for deplyment to complete.
- and you're good to go.
- If You don't have an account in Replit. Create a account.
- Now Deploy
- Star ⭐ the repo if you like GURU-BOT.
Baileys - By WhiskeySockets & adiwajshing

Base - By FG98F

GURU-BOT - By Guru322
- This bot is not made by
WhatsApp Inc.
So misusing the bot mightban
yourWhatsApp account!
(Though your WhatsApp account can be unbanned only once.) - I am not responsible for banning your account.
- Use at your own risk by keeping this warning in mind.
- Not For Sale
- If A plugin's code is obfuscated , You don't have permission to edit it in any form
- Don't Forget to Give Credits If you are using or Reuploading My Plugins/files
- Have A Good Day Ahead