A ruby wrapper class for the Google Directions API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'google_api_directions'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install google_api_directions
require "google_api_directions"
Create a new instance of GoogleDirections. You can pass the APIKEY to the constructor if you own one (optional).
g = GoogleApiDirections::GoogleDirections.new
Let's get the directions. The first paramameter is the origin, the second one is the destination and the third one is the language to be used for the directions and it's optional ("en" is default). Watch out couse Exceptions can be thrown here.
result = g.directions("Fittjavägen 1 Norsborg", "Slottsbacken 1 Stockholm", "sv")
Lets get the directions. An array of string will be returned.
directions_array = result[:directions]
Print out the directions in steps.
directions_array.each do |step|
#Print out Ex. {Continue forward to the end of the road, 1 km, 2 minutes
puts step.route + ", " + step.distance + ", " step.duration
How about the distance information (in total)!? A string will be returned.
#Ex. 7 km
distance = result[:distance]
And the duration of time (in total)? A string will be returned.
#Ex. 17 minutes
duration = result[:duration]