Rideable Ender Dragons in Minecraft (Datapack for 1.16+)
This datapack enables players to summon and ride Ender Dragons.
The data pack is server side only and not needed on clients. It also works for single player worlds. It is safe to use by multiple players at the same time.
Players can use "/trigger rd_help" for more information.
Dragons are summoned using the Book of Dragons. As an alterantive the player can uise the command "/trigger rd_summon". The summoned dragon will be passive and float down to the ground. The dragon is then mounted by right clicking its neck close to the body with an empty hand.
If enabled, players can fire dragon fireballs while mounted by holding an end crystal. Fireballs are limited to one per 10 seconds per dragon and can only be fired in a downwards direction.
The datapack can be configured by an OP via the "/function ridedragon:admin" command. This opens the admin interface.
- if the Book Of dragons is required to summon a dragon
- how the book can be obtained via the admin
- if the players are able to trigger dragon fireballs
- initial health of summoned dragons.
- initial state of silence for the dragons
- if dragons should be invulnerable to survival player attacks (they can still be vanished using the book)
- if dragons that are mounted can be vanished
----- Important ----- It is recommended to use the "Anti Ender Dragon Grief" data pack (https://modrinth.com/datapack/anti-ender-dragon-grief) by Dragon3025 to prevent the dragons from erasing parts of the world as they are flown around. Make sure to get the version suitable for your Minecraft version.
This datapack was inspired by the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBUknTYjylc&t=284s by John Paul Inso. That design was not safe for multiple simultaneous players which inspired me to make my own version.
The admin interface was inspired by the Armor Statues datapack.
For further support or questions please use the Discord at: https://discord.gg/6eJxzG5jkA or visit the github repository: https://github.com/petersv5/RideDragon
New releases are posted on Modrinth: https://modrinth.com/datapack/ride-dragon