Controlled Health website API built with Ruby on Rails as API and using devise_token_auth.
Ruby version | 3.0.4 |
Rails version | |
Database | PostgreSQL |
The frontend of this repository was built with Angular and is called controlled-health-frontend.
git clone
cd controlled_health_api
# installation of dependencies
bundle install
# creation of database and tables
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
# load initial data
rails db:seed
# run the project
rails s
# delete the config/credentials.yml.enc file
rm config/credentials.yml.enc
# run the command to create credentials and master key (replace 'code' if you don't use VS Code)
EDITOR="code --wait" bin/rails credentials:edit
Add the information below in the credentials to configure the email used by the Devise gem and Exception Notification gem (replace with the values you want):
# ... your content above
user_name: [email protected]
password: your_password
exception_recipients: [email protected]
Save and close the config/credentials.yml.enc
If you want to use another email provider, change it in the file
To configure default_confirm_success_url
, change it in the file
To configure CORS origins
, change it in the file
To configure Exception Notification, change it in the file
To run the tests:
bundle exec rspec
# upload the web and database instances
docker-compose up -d
# creation of tables
docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails db:migrate
# load initial data
docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails db:seed
# creation of database and test tables
docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails db:create RAILS_ENV=test
docker-compose exec web bundle exec rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
# run the tests
docker-compose exec web bundle exec rspec
# stop the instances
docker-compose stop