let a = "Hello"
let b = "World"
b += "!"
print RED + a + " " + b + "!" + RESET
filer "ver.txt" version
tonum version
print GREEN + "Version: " + RESET + version
print "Update version? " + YELLOW + "(y/n)" + RESET
printnobr RED + "> " + RESET
read input
if input == "y"
| version = version + 0.1
| print GREEN + "Updated version to: " + RESET + version
| filew "ver.txt" version
alternative to read write
sys "echo 'some text' > text.txt"
sys "cat text.txt" output
print output
fn add v t
| return = a + t
add 1 2 output
print output
these functions will cache the result they will skip processing the function if cached result is found and just return the cached result
cfn add v t
| return = a + t
add 1 2 output
print output
let i = 0
| if i == 10
| | break
| print i
| i += 1
for j 10
| print j
prints [Hello, ,World,!]
let li = []
li += "Hello"
li += " "
li += "World"
li += "!"
print li
remove from list prints [1,3]
let li = []
li += 1
li += 2
li += 3
li -= 2
print li
access values
let li = []
li += 1
li += 2
li += 3
let el = li at 1
print el
print li at 1
get lengths
let li = []
li += 1
li += 2
li += 3
print li len
let text = "hello"
print text len
example arguments hello world "!"
//print 3
print argc
//print [hello,world,!]
print argv
//.hi is implicit
import "filewithfunctions"
let min = 0
let max = 100
random min max output
print output