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An MCP-capable intelligent Apple podcast transcription and summarization to markdown tool.


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Podsidian is a powerful tool that bridges your Apple Podcast subscriptions with Obsidian, creating an automated pipeline for podcast content analysis and knowledge management.


  • Apple Podcast Integration:
    • Automatically extracts and processes your Apple Podcast subscriptions
    • Smart episode filtering with configurable lookback period
    • Easy subscription management and episode listing
  • RSS Feed Processing:
    • Retrieves and parses podcast RSS feeds to discover new episodes
    • Defaults to processing only recent episodes (last 7 days)
    • Configurable lookback period for older episodes
  • Smart Storage:
    • SQLite3 database for episode metadata and full transcripts
    • Annoy vector index for fast semantic search (inspired by Spotify)
    • Vector embeddings for efficient content discovery
    • Configurable Obsidian markdown export
  • Efficient Processing:
    • Downloads and transcribes episodes, then discards audio to save space
  • Smart Transcription Pipeline:
    • Automatic detection and use of external transcripts when available
    • Fallback to OpenAI's Whisper for transcription when needed
    • Automatic domain detection (e.g., Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Quantum Physics)
    • Domain-aware transcript correction for technical terms and jargon
    • High-quality output optimized for each podcast's subject matter
  • AI-Powered Analysis:
    • Uses OpenRouter to generate customized summaries and insights
    • Monitor and report expenses for all AI API calls with detailed breakdowns by model and operation
  • Natural Language Search:
    • Fast semantic search powered by Spotify's Annoy library
    • Intelligent search that understands the meaning of your queries
    • Finds relevant content even when exact words don't match
    • Configurable relevance threshold for fine-tuning results
    • Results grouped by podcast with relevant excerpts
  • Obsidian Integration:
    • Generates markdown notes with customizable templates
  • AI Agent Integration:
    • Exposes an MCP (Message Control Program) service for AI agents


# Clone the repository
git clone
cd podsidian

# Create and activate virtual environment using uv
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate

# Install dependencies
uv pip install hatch
uv pip install -e .

# Or if you prefer using regular pip
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install hatch
pip install -e .

Note: We use hatch as our build system. The -e flag installs the package in editable mode, which is recommended for development.

OSX XCode Issues

If you have build issues, try:

sudo xcode-select --reset
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/

sudo xcodebuild -license

export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)
export CFLAGS="-isysroot $SDKROOT -I$SDKROOT/usr/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L$SDKROOT/usr/lib"
export PATH="$SDKROOT/usr/bin:$PATH"

rm -rf ~/.cache/uv/builds-v0
uv pip install -e .


  1. Initialize configuration:
podsidian init

This creates a config file at ~/.config/podsidian/config.toml

  1. Configure settings:
# Path to your Obsidian vault
vault_path = "~/Documents/Obsidian"

# Template for generated notes
# Available variables: {title}, {podcast_title}, {published_at}, {audio_url}, {podcasts_app_url}, {summary}, {value_analysis}, {transcript}, {episode_id}, {episode_wordcount}, {podcast_guid}
template = """

# Metadata
- **Podcast**: {podcast_title}
- **Published**: {published_at}
- **URL**: {audio_url}
- **Open in Podcasts App**: {podcasts_app_url}
- **Podcast GUID**: {podcast_guid}

# Summary

# Value Analysis

# Transcript

# Model size to use for transcription
# Options: tiny, base, small, medium, large, large-v3
# Larger models are more accurate but slower and use more memory
# Model sizes and VRAM requirements:
# - tiny: 1GB VRAM, fastest, least accurate
# - base: 1GB VRAM, good balance for most uses
# - small: 2GB VRAM, better accuracy
# - medium: 5GB VRAM, high accuracy
# - large: 10GB VRAM, very high accuracy
# - large-v3: 10GB VRAM, highest accuracy, improved performance
model = "medium.en"

# Language to use for transcription (optional)
# If not specified, Whisper will auto-detect the language
# Example: "en" for English, "es" for Spanish, etc.
language = ""

# Use CPU instead of GPU for inference
# Set to true if you don't have a GPU or encounter GPU memory issues
cpu_only = false

# Number of threads to use for CPU inference
# Default is 4, increase for faster CPU processing if available
threads = 4

# OpenRouter API configuration
# API key can also be set via PODSIDIAN_OPENROUTER_API_KEY environment variable
api_key = ""

# Model to use for topic detection and transcript correction
processing_model = "openai/gpt-4o"

# Sample size in characters for topic detection
topic_sample_size = 4096

# Model to use for summarization
# See for available models
model = "openai/gpt-4o"

# Enable cost tracking for AI API calls
# When enabled, displays cost summary after operations that use AI
cost_tracking_enabled = true

# Prompt template for processing transcripts
# Available variables: {transcript}
prompt = """You are a helpful podcast summarizer.
Given the following podcast transcript, provide:
1. A concise 2-3 paragraph summary of the key points
2. A bullet list of the most important takeaways
3. Any notable quotes, properly attributed


# Enable value analysis in output
# When enabled, each episode will include a Value Per Minute (VPM) analysis
value_prompt_enabled = true

# Value analysis prompt template
# This prompt analyzes the transcript to determine its value density
# This prompt is from Daniel Miessler's Fabric (
# Available variables: {transcript}

## Summary

## Transcript

# Set via PODSIDIAN_OPENROUTER_API_KEY env var or here
api_key = ""

# Choose AI model
model = "anthropic/claude-2"

# Customize summary prompt
prompt = """Your custom prompt template here.
Available variable: {transcript}"""

# Path to vector index file
index_path = "~/.config/podsidian/annoy.idx"

# Number of trees (more = better accuracy but slower build)
n_trees = 10

# Distance metric (angular = cosine similarity)
metric = "angular"


# Initialize configuration
podsidian init

# Show configuration and system status
podsidian show-config    # Displays config, vector index status, and episode stats

# Manage podcast subscriptions
podsidian subscriptions list              # List all subscriptions (sorted alphabetically)
podsidian subscriptions list --sort=episodes  # List all subscriptions (sorted by episode count)
podsidian subscriptions mute "Podcast Title"    # Mute a podcast (skip during ingestion)
podsidian subscriptions unmute "Podcast Title"  # Unmute a podcast

# List all downloaded episodes
podsidian episodes

# Process new episodes (last 7 days by default)
podsidian ingest

# Process episodes from last 30 days with debug output
podsidian ingest --lookback 30 --debug

# Process episodes with detailed debug information
podsidian ingest --debug

# Export a specific episode transcript
podsidian export <episode_id>

# Search through podcast content using natural language (default 30% relevance)
podsidian search "impact of blockchain on cybersecurity"

# Search with custom relevance threshold (0-100)
podsidian search "meditation techniques for beginners" --relevance 75

# Force refresh of search index before searching
podsidian search "blockchain" --refresh

# Start the MCP service (HTTP mode)
podsidian mcp --port 8080

# Start the MCP service in STDIO mode for AI agent integration
podsidian mcp --stdio

# Manage database backups
podsidian backup create           # Create a new backup with timestamp
podsidian backup list            # List all available backups
podsidian backup restore 2025-02-24  # Restore from a specific date

Database Migration

When upgrading to a new version of Podsidian that includes database schema changes, you can use the included migration script:

# Run the database migration script
python -m podsidian.migrate_db

# Specify a custom database path if needed
python -m podsidian.migrate_db --db-path /path/to/your/database.db

The migration script will safely add new columns to the database without affecting existing data.

Database Backup

Podsidian includes a robust backup system to help you safeguard your podcast database:

  • Automatic Timestamping: Backups are automatically named with YYYY-MM-DD format
  • Multiple Daily Backups: System automatically handles multiple backups on the same day by adding an index
  • Safe Restore Process: Creates temporary backup before restore in case of failures
  • Backup Location: All backups are stored in ~/.local/share/podsidian/backups


# Create a new backup
podsidian backup create

# List all backups with sizes and dates
podsidian backup list

# Restore from a specific date
podsidian backup restore 2025-02-24

When restoring a backup, Podsidian will:

  1. Show size difference between current and backup database
  2. Display time difference between current and backup
  3. Require explicit confirmation before proceeding
  4. Create a temporary backup of your current database as a safety measure

System Status

Use the show-config command to view the current state of your Podsidian installation:

podsidian show-config

This will display:

  • Vector index location and size
  • Number of total episodes
  • Number of episodes with embeddings
  • AI cost tracking status
  • Other configuration settings

How It Works

  1. Podcast Discovery:

    • Reads your Apple Podcast subscriptions
    • Fetches RSS feeds for each podcast
    • Identifies new episodes
  2. Content Processing:

    • Downloads episodes temporarily
    • Transcribes using Whisper AI
    • Generates vector embeddings
    • Updates Annoy vector index
    • Stores in SQLite database
  3. AI Processing:

    • Generates summaries via OpenRouter
    • Uses customizable prompts
    • Creates semantic embeddings
  4. Knowledge Integration:

    • Writes to Obsidian using templates
    • Organizes by podcast/episode
    • Enables semantic search

MCP Service

Podsidian provides an MCP (Message Control Program) service for AI agent integration with two operating modes:


RESTful API accessible via HTTP:

# Base URL

# Endpoints
GET  /search                            # Natural language search across transcripts
GET  /episodes                           # List all processed episodes
GET  /episodes/:id                       # Get episode details and transcript
GET  /subscriptions                      # List all subscriptions with mute state
POST /subscriptions/:title/mute          # Mute a podcast subscription
POST /subscriptions/:title/unmute        # Unmute a podcast subscription


STDIO mode enables direct integration with AI agents like Claude Desktop through standard input/output:

# Start in STDIO mode
podsidian mcp --stdio

# With configuration
podsidian mcp --stdio --config '{"vaultPath":"/path/to/vault"}'

This mode can be used with tools like Smithery CLI:

npx -y @smithery/cli run podsidian-mcp --config '{"vaultPath":"/path/to/vault"}'

The STDIO server exposes the same functionality as the HTTP API but through a JSON-based message protocol over stdin/stdout.

Claude Desktop Integration

To set up Claude Desktop with Podsidian support:

  1. Install Claude Desktop from Anthropic's website

  2. Open Claude Desktop and go to Settings (gear icon) > Advanced > Custom Tools

  3. Click "Add Tool" and configure as follows:

      "podsidian": {
        "command": "/Users/pedram/Projects/Podsidian/.venv/bin/podsidian",
        "args": [
  4. Click "Save"

  5. You can now ask Claude to search your podcast content with queries like:

    • "Search my podcasts for discussions about artificial intelligence"
    • "Find podcast episodes about climate change"
    • "Get the transcript of episode 42"

Other AI Agent Integrations

Podsidian's STDIO mode can be integrated with any AI agent that supports the STDIO protocol for tools:

Using with Smithery CLI

npx -y @smithery/cli run podsidian

Using with LangChain

from import StructuredTool
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_structured_chat_agent
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import subprocess
import json

def search_podcasts(query, limit=10, relevance=25):
    """Search podcast transcripts using natural language"""
    cmd = ["podsidian", "mcp", "--stdio"]
    proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)

    # Send tool call message
    message = {
        "type": "tool_call",
        "data": {
            "name": "search-semantic",
            "parameters": {
                "query": query,
                "limit": limit,
                "relevance": relevance
            "id": "search-1"

    proc.stdin.write(json.dumps(message) + "\n")

    # Read response
    response = json.loads(proc.stdout.readline())

    return response["data"]["result"]

# Create LangChain tool
podsidian_tool = StructuredTool.from_function(
    description="Search through podcast transcripts using natural language"

# Create agent with the tool
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4")
tools = [podsidian_tool]
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([...])
agent = create_structured_chat_agent(llm, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)

# Run the agent
agent_executor.invoke({"input": "Find podcast discussions about climate change"})


  • Python 3.9+
  • OpenRouter API access
  • Apple Podcasts subscriptions
  • Obsidian vault (optional)

Installing Whisper

Whisper requires FFmpeg for audio processing. Install it first:

# On macOS using Homebrew
brew install ffmpeg

# On Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg

Whisper also requires PyTorch. For optimal performance with GPU support:

uv pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

# For CPU only or M1/M2 Macs
uv pip install torch torchvision torchaudio

The main Whisper package will be installed automatically as a dependency of Podsidian. The first time you run transcription, it will download the model files (size varies by model choice).

Configuring Whisper

Whisper can be configured in your config.toml:

# Choose model size based on your needs
model = "large-v3"  # Options: tiny, base, small, medium, large, large-v3

# Optionally specify language (auto-detected if not set)
language = "en"  # Use language codes like "en", "es", "fr", etc.

# Performance settings
cpu_only = false  # Set to true to force CPU usage
threads = 4      # Number of CPU threads when using CPU

Model size trade-offs:

  • tiny: 1GB VRAM, fastest, least accurate
  • base: 1GB VRAM, good balance for most uses
  • small: 2GB VRAM, better accuracy
  • medium: 5GB VRAM, high accuracy
  • large: 10GB VRAM, very high accuracy
  • large-v3: 10GB VRAM, highest accuracy, improved performance (default)

Smart Transcript Processing

Podsidian uses a sophisticated pipeline to ensure high-quality transcripts:

  1. Initial Transcription: Uses Whisper to convert audio to text
  2. Domain Detection: Analyzes a sample of the transcript to identify the podcast's domain (e.g., Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Quantum Physics, Constitutional Law)
  3. Expert Correction: Uses domain expertise to fix technical terms, jargon, and specialized vocabulary
  4. Final Processing: The corrected transcript is then summarized and stored

This is particularly useful for:

  • Technical podcasts with specialized terminology
  • Academic discussions with field-specific jargon
  • Sports content with unique moves and techniques
  • Medical or scientific podcasts with complex terminology

For example, in a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu podcast, it will correctly handle terms like:

  • Gi, Omoplata, De La Riva, Berimbolo
  • Practitioner and technique names
  • Portuguese terminology

Configure the processing in your config.toml:

# API key (required)
api_key = "your-api-key"  # Or set PODSIDIAN_OPENROUTER_API_KEY env var

# Model settings
model = "openai/gpt-4"             # Model for summarization
processing_model = "openai/gpt-4"  # Model for domain detection and corrections
topic_sample_size = 16000          # Characters to analyze for domain detection

# Default relevance threshold for semantic search (0-100)
default_relevance = 60

# Length of excerpt to show in search results (in characters)
excerpt_length = 300

# Override relevance thresholds for specific queries
relevance_overrides = [
  { query = "technical details", threshold = 75 },
  { query = "general discussion", threshold = 40 }

Performance Tips

  1. Use GPU if available (default behavior)
  2. If using CPU, adjust threads based on your system
  3. Choose model size based on your available memory and accuracy needs
  4. Specify language if known for better accuracy


# Setup development environment

# Activate environment
source .venv/bin/activate

Detailed configuration instructions and environment setup will be provided in the documentation.


This project is open source and available under the MIT License.


An MCP-capable intelligent Apple podcast transcription and summarization to markdown tool.







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