Podsidian is a powerful tool that bridges your Apple Podcast subscriptions with Obsidian, creating an automated pipeline for podcast content analysis and knowledge management.
- Apple Podcast Integration:
- Automatically extracts and processes your Apple Podcast subscriptions
- Smart episode filtering with configurable lookback period
- Easy subscription management and episode listing
- RSS Feed Processing:
- Retrieves and parses podcast RSS feeds to discover new episodes
- Defaults to processing only recent episodes (last 7 days)
- Configurable lookback period for older episodes
- Smart Storage:
- SQLite3 database for episode metadata and full transcripts
- Annoy vector index for fast semantic search (inspired by Spotify)
- Vector embeddings for efficient content discovery
- Configurable Obsidian markdown export
- Efficient Processing:
- Downloads and transcribes episodes, then discards audio to save space
- Smart Transcription Pipeline:
- Automatic detection and use of external transcripts when available
- Fallback to OpenAI's Whisper for transcription when needed
- Automatic domain detection (e.g., Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Quantum Physics)
- Domain-aware transcript correction for technical terms and jargon
- High-quality output optimized for each podcast's subject matter
- AI-Powered Analysis:
- Uses OpenRouter to generate customized summaries and insights
- Monitor and report expenses for all AI API calls with detailed breakdowns by model and operation
- Natural Language Search:
- Fast semantic search powered by Spotify's Annoy library
- Intelligent search that understands the meaning of your queries
- Finds relevant content even when exact words don't match
- Configurable relevance threshold for fine-tuning results
- Results grouped by podcast with relevant excerpts
- Obsidian Integration:
- Generates markdown notes with customizable templates
- AI Agent Integration:
- Exposes an MCP (Message Control Program) service for AI agents
# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/pedramamini/podsidian.git
cd podsidian
# Create and activate virtual environment using uv
uv venv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install dependencies
uv pip install hatch
uv pip install -e .
# Or if you prefer using regular pip
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install hatch
pip install -e .
Note: We use hatch
as our build system. The -e
flag installs the package in editable mode, which is recommended for development.
If you have build issues, try:
sudo xcode-select --reset
sudo xcode-select --switch /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer
sudo xcodebuild -license
export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path)
export CFLAGS="-isysroot $SDKROOT -I$SDKROOT/usr/include"
export LDFLAGS="-L$SDKROOT/usr/lib"
export PATH="$SDKROOT/usr/bin:$PATH"
rm -rf ~/.cache/uv/builds-v0
uv pip install -e .
- Initialize configuration:
podsidian init
This creates a config file at ~/.config/podsidian/config.toml
- Configure settings:
# Path to your Obsidian vault
vault_path = "~/Documents/Obsidian"
# Template for generated notes
# Available variables: {title}, {podcast_title}, {published_at}, {audio_url}, {podcasts_app_url}, {summary}, {value_analysis}, {transcript}, {episode_id}, {episode_wordcount}, {podcast_guid}
template = """
# Metadata
- **Podcast**: {podcast_title}
- **Published**: {published_at}
- **URL**: {audio_url}
- **Open in Podcasts App**: {podcasts_app_url}
- **Podcast GUID**: {podcast_guid}
# Summary
# Value Analysis
# Transcript
# Model size to use for transcription
# Options: tiny, base, small, medium, large, large-v3
# Larger models are more accurate but slower and use more memory
# Model sizes and VRAM requirements:
# - tiny: 1GB VRAM, fastest, least accurate
# - base: 1GB VRAM, good balance for most uses
# - small: 2GB VRAM, better accuracy
# - medium: 5GB VRAM, high accuracy
# - large: 10GB VRAM, very high accuracy
# - large-v3: 10GB VRAM, highest accuracy, improved performance
model = "medium.en"
# Language to use for transcription (optional)
# If not specified, Whisper will auto-detect the language
# Example: "en" for English, "es" for Spanish, etc.
language = ""
# Use CPU instead of GPU for inference
# Set to true if you don't have a GPU or encounter GPU memory issues
cpu_only = false
# Number of threads to use for CPU inference
# Default is 4, increase for faster CPU processing if available
threads = 4
# OpenRouter API configuration
# API key can also be set via PODSIDIAN_OPENROUTER_API_KEY environment variable
api_key = ""
# Model to use for topic detection and transcript correction
processing_model = "openai/gpt-4o"
# Sample size in characters for topic detection
topic_sample_size = 4096
# Model to use for summarization
# See https://openrouter.ai/docs for available models
model = "openai/gpt-4o"
# Enable cost tracking for AI API calls
# When enabled, displays cost summary after operations that use AI
cost_tracking_enabled = true
# Prompt template for processing transcripts
# Available variables: {transcript}
prompt = """You are a helpful podcast summarizer.
Given the following podcast transcript, provide:
1. A concise 2-3 paragraph summary of the key points
2. A bullet list of the most important takeaways
3. Any notable quotes, properly attributed
# Enable value analysis in output
# When enabled, each episode will include a Value Per Minute (VPM) analysis
value_prompt_enabled = true
# Value analysis prompt template
# This prompt analyzes the transcript to determine its value density
# This prompt is from Daniel Miessler's Fabric (https://github.com/danielmiessler/fabric)
# Available variables: {transcript}
## Summary
## Transcript
# Set via PODSIDIAN_OPENROUTER_API_KEY env var or here
api_key = ""
# Choose AI model
model = "anthropic/claude-2"
# Customize summary prompt
prompt = """Your custom prompt template here.
Available variable: {transcript}"""
# Path to vector index file
index_path = "~/.config/podsidian/annoy.idx"
# Number of trees (more = better accuracy but slower build)
n_trees = 10
# Distance metric (angular = cosine similarity)
metric = "angular"
# Initialize configuration
podsidian init
# Show configuration and system status
podsidian show-config # Displays config, vector index status, and episode stats
# Manage podcast subscriptions
podsidian subscriptions list # List all subscriptions (sorted alphabetically)
podsidian subscriptions list --sort=episodes # List all subscriptions (sorted by episode count)
podsidian subscriptions mute "Podcast Title" # Mute a podcast (skip during ingestion)
podsidian subscriptions unmute "Podcast Title" # Unmute a podcast
# List all downloaded episodes
podsidian episodes
# Process new episodes (last 7 days by default)
podsidian ingest
# Process episodes from last 30 days with debug output
podsidian ingest --lookback 30 --debug
# Process episodes with detailed debug information
podsidian ingest --debug
# Export a specific episode transcript
podsidian export <episode_id>
# Search through podcast content using natural language (default 30% relevance)
podsidian search "impact of blockchain on cybersecurity"
# Search with custom relevance threshold (0-100)
podsidian search "meditation techniques for beginners" --relevance 75
# Force refresh of search index before searching
podsidian search "blockchain" --refresh
# Start the MCP service (HTTP mode)
podsidian mcp --port 8080
# Start the MCP service in STDIO mode for AI agent integration
podsidian mcp --stdio
# Manage database backups
podsidian backup create # Create a new backup with timestamp
podsidian backup list # List all available backups
podsidian backup restore 2025-02-24 # Restore from a specific date
When upgrading to a new version of Podsidian that includes database schema changes, you can use the included migration script:
# Run the database migration script
python -m podsidian.migrate_db
# Specify a custom database path if needed
python -m podsidian.migrate_db --db-path /path/to/your/database.db
The migration script will safely add new columns to the database without affecting existing data.
Podsidian includes a robust backup system to help you safeguard your podcast database:
- Automatic Timestamping: Backups are automatically named with YYYY-MM-DD format
- Multiple Daily Backups: System automatically handles multiple backups on the same day by adding an index
- Safe Restore Process: Creates temporary backup before restore in case of failures
- Backup Location: All backups are stored in
# Create a new backup
podsidian backup create
# List all backups with sizes and dates
podsidian backup list
# Restore from a specific date
podsidian backup restore 2025-02-24
When restoring a backup, Podsidian will:
- Show size difference between current and backup database
- Display time difference between current and backup
- Require explicit confirmation before proceeding
- Create a temporary backup of your current database as a safety measure
Use the show-config
command to view the current state of your Podsidian installation:
podsidian show-config
This will display:
- Vector index location and size
- Number of total episodes
- Number of episodes with embeddings
- AI cost tracking status
- Other configuration settings
Podcast Discovery:
- Reads your Apple Podcast subscriptions
- Fetches RSS feeds for each podcast
- Identifies new episodes
Content Processing:
- Downloads episodes temporarily
- Transcribes using Whisper AI
- Generates vector embeddings
- Updates Annoy vector index
- Stores in SQLite database
AI Processing:
- Generates summaries via OpenRouter
- Uses customizable prompts
- Creates semantic embeddings
Knowledge Integration:
- Writes to Obsidian using templates
- Organizes by podcast/episode
- Enables semantic search
Podsidian provides an MCP (Message Control Program) service for AI agent integration with two operating modes:
RESTful API accessible via HTTP:
# Base URL
# Endpoints
GET /search # Natural language search across transcripts
GET /episodes # List all processed episodes
GET /episodes/:id # Get episode details and transcript
GET /subscriptions # List all subscriptions with mute state
POST /subscriptions/:title/mute # Mute a podcast subscription
POST /subscriptions/:title/unmute # Unmute a podcast subscription
STDIO mode enables direct integration with AI agents like Claude Desktop through standard input/output:
# Start in STDIO mode
podsidian mcp --stdio
# With configuration
podsidian mcp --stdio --config '{"vaultPath":"/path/to/vault"}'
This mode can be used with tools like Smithery CLI:
npx -y @smithery/cli run podsidian-mcp --config '{"vaultPath":"/path/to/vault"}'
The STDIO server exposes the same functionality as the HTTP API but through a JSON-based message protocol over stdin/stdout.
To set up Claude Desktop with Podsidian support:
Install Claude Desktop from Anthropic's website
Open Claude Desktop and go to Settings (gear icon) > Advanced > Custom Tools
Click "Add Tool" and configure as follows:
{ "podsidian": { "command": "/Users/pedram/Projects/Podsidian/.venv/bin/podsidian", "args": [ "mcp", "--stdio" ] } }
Click "Save"
You can now ask Claude to search your podcast content with queries like:
- "Search my podcasts for discussions about artificial intelligence"
- "Find podcast episodes about climate change"
- "Get the transcript of episode 42"
Podsidian's STDIO mode can be integrated with any AI agent that supports the STDIO protocol for tools:
npx -y @smithery/cli run podsidian
from langchain.tools import StructuredTool
from langchain.agents import AgentExecutor, create_structured_chat_agent
from langchain_core.prompts import ChatPromptTemplate
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
import subprocess
import json
def search_podcasts(query, limit=10, relevance=25):
"""Search podcast transcripts using natural language"""
cmd = ["podsidian", "mcp", "--stdio"]
proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True)
# Send tool call message
message = {
"type": "tool_call",
"data": {
"name": "search-semantic",
"parameters": {
"query": query,
"limit": limit,
"relevance": relevance
"id": "search-1"
proc.stdin.write(json.dumps(message) + "\n")
# Read response
response = json.loads(proc.stdout.readline())
return response["data"]["result"]
# Create LangChain tool
podsidian_tool = StructuredTool.from_function(
description="Search through podcast transcripts using natural language"
# Create agent with the tool
llm = ChatOpenAI(model="gpt-4")
tools = [podsidian_tool]
prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages([...])
agent = create_structured_chat_agent(llm, tools, prompt)
agent_executor = AgentExecutor(agent=agent, tools=tools, verbose=True)
# Run the agent
agent_executor.invoke({"input": "Find podcast discussions about climate change"})
- Python 3.9+
- OpenRouter API access
- Apple Podcasts subscriptions
- Obsidian vault (optional)
Whisper requires FFmpeg for audio processing. Install it first:
# On macOS using Homebrew
brew install ffmpeg
# On Ubuntu/Debian
sudo apt update && sudo apt install ffmpeg
Whisper also requires PyTorch. For optimal performance with GPU support:
uv pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu118
# For CPU only or M1/M2 Macs
uv pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
The main Whisper package will be installed automatically as a dependency of Podsidian. The first time you run transcription, it will download the model files (size varies by model choice).
Whisper can be configured in your config.toml
# Choose model size based on your needs
model = "large-v3" # Options: tiny, base, small, medium, large, large-v3
# Optionally specify language (auto-detected if not set)
language = "en" # Use language codes like "en", "es", "fr", etc.
# Performance settings
cpu_only = false # Set to true to force CPU usage
threads = 4 # Number of CPU threads when using CPU
Model size trade-offs:
- tiny: 1GB VRAM, fastest, least accurate
- base: 1GB VRAM, good balance for most uses
- small: 2GB VRAM, better accuracy
- medium: 5GB VRAM, high accuracy
- large: 10GB VRAM, very high accuracy
- large-v3: 10GB VRAM, highest accuracy, improved performance (default)
Podsidian uses a sophisticated pipeline to ensure high-quality transcripts:
- Initial Transcription: Uses Whisper to convert audio to text
- Domain Detection: Analyzes a sample of the transcript to identify the podcast's domain (e.g., Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Quantum Physics, Constitutional Law)
- Expert Correction: Uses domain expertise to fix technical terms, jargon, and specialized vocabulary
- Final Processing: The corrected transcript is then summarized and stored
This is particularly useful for:
- Technical podcasts with specialized terminology
- Academic discussions with field-specific jargon
- Sports content with unique moves and techniques
- Medical or scientific podcasts with complex terminology
For example, in a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu podcast, it will correctly handle terms like:
- Gi, Omoplata, De La Riva, Berimbolo
- Practitioner and technique names
- Portuguese terminology
Configure the processing in your config.toml
# API key (required)
api_key = "your-api-key" # Or set PODSIDIAN_OPENROUTER_API_KEY env var
# Model settings
model = "openai/gpt-4" # Model for summarization
processing_model = "openai/gpt-4" # Model for domain detection and corrections
topic_sample_size = 16000 # Characters to analyze for domain detection
# Default relevance threshold for semantic search (0-100)
default_relevance = 60
# Length of excerpt to show in search results (in characters)
excerpt_length = 300
# Override relevance thresholds for specific queries
relevance_overrides = [
{ query = "technical details", threshold = 75 },
{ query = "general discussion", threshold = 40 }
- Use GPU if available (default behavior)
- If using CPU, adjust
based on your system - Choose model size based on your available memory and accuracy needs
- Specify language if known for better accuracy
# Setup development environment
# Activate environment
source .venv/bin/activate
Detailed configuration instructions and environment setup will be provided in the documentation.
This project is open source and available under the MIT License.