The docs-site-template is a project template for project documents site generator. It uses Apache Maven Site Plugin to generate a project document site. The site can be configured with a simple site.xml configuration. The documents can be written in markdown syntax. It uses Apache Maven site plugin with Fluido Skin built on top of [Twitter's Bootstrap 2.2.2] ( web front end framework. The generated site can be deployed on Github project gh-pages branch or any web server. Click here to see a sample site.
- Java 6
- Apache Maven 3
- Git
- create branch gh-pages on your project repository
- clone gh-pages branch
$ git clone${}.git -b gh-pages ${}
- clone docs-site-template project
$ git clone ${}
- edit your documents in
$ cd ${}
- generate project documents
$ mvn site -Dsite.output.dir=${}
- commit and push to gh-pages branch
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Update project documents"
$ git push
- Point your browser to${}