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MDL-53598 block_glossary_random: do not fail if glossary was deleted
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This commit refactors how associated glossary is searched for and removes
unnecessary DB queries. Also prevents from situations when the global glossary or course have
been deleted
  • Loading branch information
marinaglancy committed May 31, 2016
1 parent 6a74e76 commit 9c37108
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Showing 3 changed files with 183 additions and 79 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -60,19 +60,27 @@ public function after_restore() {
if ($configdata = $DB->get_field('block_instances', 'configdata', array('id' => $blockid))) {
$config = unserialize(base64_decode($configdata));
if (!empty($config->glossary)) {
// Get glossary mapping and replace it in config
if ($glossarymap = restore_dbops::get_backup_ids_record($this->get_restoreid(), 'glossary', $config->glossary)) {
$mappedglossary = $DB->get_record('glossary', array('id' => $glossarymap->newitemid),
'id,course,globalglossary', MUST_EXIST);
$config->glossary = $mappedglossary->id;
$config->courseid = $mappedglossary->course;
$config->globalglossary = $mappedglossary->globalglossary;
$configdata = base64_encode(serialize($config));
$DB->set_field('block_instances', 'configdata', $configdata, array('id' => $blockid));
// Get glossary mapping and replace it in config
$config->glossary = $glossarymap->newitemid;
} else if ($this->is_samesite()) {
// We are restoring on the same site, check if glossary can be used in the block in this course.
$glossaryid = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT id FROM {glossary} " .
"WHERE id = ? AND (course = ? OR globalglossary = 1)",
[$config->glossary, $this->get_courseid()]);
if (!$glossaryid) {
} else {
// The block refers to a glossary not present in the backup file.
$DB->set_field('block_instances', 'configdata', '', array('id' => $blockid));
// Unset config variables that are no longer used.
// Save updated config.
$configdata = base64_encode(serialize($config));
$DB->set_field('block_instances', 'configdata', $configdata, array('id' => $blockid));
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152 changes: 82 additions & 70 deletions blocks/glossary_random/block_glossary_random.php
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,12 @@

class block_glossary_random extends block_base {

* @var cm_info|stdClass has properties 'id' (course module id) and 'uservisible'
* (whether the glossary is visible to the current user)
protected $glossarycm = null;

function init() {
$this->title = get_string('pluginname','block_glossary_random');
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -58,27 +64,18 @@ function specialization() {
//check if it's time to put a new entry in cache
if (time() > $this->config->nexttime) {

if (!($cm = $this->get_glossary_cm()) || !$cm->uservisible) {
// Skip generating of the cache if we can't display anything to the current user.
return false;

// place glossary concept and definition in $pref->cache
if (!$numberofentries = $DB->count_records('glossary_entries',
array('glossaryid'=>$this->config->glossary, 'approved'=>1))) {
$this->config->cache = get_string('noentriesyet','block_glossary_random');

// Get glossary instance, if not found then return without error, as this will be handled in get_content.
if (!$glossary = $DB->get_record('glossary', array('id' => $this->config->glossary))) {
return false;

$this->config->globalglossary = $glossary->globalglossary;

// Save course id in config, so we can get correct course module.
$this->config->courseid = $glossary->course;

// Get module and context, to be able to rewrite urls
if (! $cm = get_coursemodule_from_instance('glossary', $glossary->id, $this->config->courseid)) {
return false;
$glossaryctx = context_module::instance($cm->id);

$limitfrom = 0;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,88 +153,103 @@ function specialization() {

function instance_allow_multiple() {
// Are you going to allow multiple instances of each block?
// If yes, then it is assumed that the block WILL USE per-instance configuration
return true;
* Replace the instance's configuration data with those currently in $this->config;
function instance_config_commit($nolongerused = false) {
// Unset config variables that are no longer used.

function get_content() {
global $USER, $CFG, $DB;

* Checks if glossary is available - it should be either located in the same course or be global
* @return null|cm_info|stdClass object with properties 'id' (course module id) and 'uservisible'
protected function get_glossary_cm() {
global $DB;
if (empty($this->config->glossary)) {
$this->content = new stdClass();
if ($this->user_can_edit()) {
$this->content->text = get_string('notyetconfigured','block_glossary_random');
} else {
$this->content->text = '';
$this->content->footer = '';
return $this->content;
// No glossary is configured.
return null;

if (!empty($this->glossarycm)) {
return $this->glossarycm;

// If $this->config->globalglossary is not set then get glossary info from db.
if (!isset($this->config->globalglossary)) {
if (!$glossary = $DB->get_record('glossary', array('id' => $this->config->glossary))) {
return '';
} else {
$this->config->courseid = $glossary->course;
$this->config->globalglossary = $glossary->globalglossary;
if (!empty($this->page->course->id)) {
// First check if glossary belongs to the current course (we don't need to make any DB queries to find it).
$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->page->course);
if (isset($modinfo->instances['glossary'][$this->config->glossary])) {
$this->glossarycm = $modinfo->instances['glossary'][$this->config->glossary];
if ($this->glossarycm->uservisible) {
// The glossary is in the same course and is already visible to the current user,
// no need to check if it is global, save on DB query.
return $this->glossarycm;

$modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->config->courseid);
// If deleted glossary or non-global glossary on different course page, then reset.
if (!isset($modinfo->instances['glossary'][$this->config->glossary])
|| ((empty($this->config->globalglossary) && ($this->config->courseid != $this->page->course->id)))) {
// Find course module id for the given glossary, only if it is global.
$cm = $DB->get_record_sql("SELECT, cm.visible AS uservisible
FROM {course_modules} cm
JOIN {modules} md ON = cm.module
JOIN {glossary} g ON = cm.instance
WHERE = :instance AND = :modulename AND g.globalglossary = 1",
['instance' => $this->config->glossary, 'modulename' => 'glossary']);

if ($cm) {
// This is a global glossary, create an object with properties 'id' and 'uservisible'. We don't need any
// other information so why bother retrieving it. Full access check is skipped for global glossaries for
// performance reasons.
$this->glossarycm = $cm;
} else if (empty($this->glossarycm)) {
// Glossary does not exist. Remove it in the config so we don't repeat this check again later.
$this->config->glossary = 0;
$this->config->cache = '';

$this->content = new stdClass();
if ($this->user_can_edit()) {
$this->content->text = get_string('notyetconfigured','block_glossary_random');
} else {
$this->content->text = '';
$this->content->footer = '';
return $this->glossarycm;

function instance_allow_multiple() {
// Are you going to allow multiple instances of each block?
// If yes, then it is assumed that the block WILL USE per-instance configuration
return true;

function get_content() {
if ($this->content !== null) {
return $this->content;
$this->content = (object)['text' => '', 'footer' => ''];

$cm = $modinfo->instances['glossary'][$this->config->glossary];
if (!has_capability('mod/glossary:view', context_module::instance($cm->id))) {
return '';
if (!$cm = $this->get_glossary_cm()) {
if ($this->user_can_edit()) {
$this->content->text = get_string('notyetconfigured', 'block_glossary_random');
return $this->content;

if (empty($this->config->cache)) {
$this->config->cache = '';

if ($this->content !== NULL) {
return $this->content;

$this->content = new stdClass();

// Show glossary if visible and place links in footer.
if ($cm->visible) {
if ($cm->uservisible) {
// Show glossary if visible and place links in footer.
$this->content->text = $this->config->cache;
if (has_capability('mod/glossary:write', context_module::instance($cm->id))) {
$this->content->footer = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/glossary/edit.php?cmid='.$cm->id
.'" title="'.$this->config->addentry.'">'.$this->config->addentry.'</a><br />';
} else {
$this->content->footer = '';
$this->content->footer = html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/glossary/edit.php', ['cmid' => $cm->id]),
format_string($this->config->addentry)) . '<br/>';

$this->content->footer .= '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/glossary/view.php?id='.$cm->id
.'" title="'.$this->config->viewglossary.'">'.$this->config->viewglossary.'</a>';

// Otherwise just place some text, no link.
$this->content->footer .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/glossary/view.php', ['id' => $cm->id]),
} else {
$this->content->footer = $this->config->invisible;
// Otherwise just place some text, no link.
$this->content->footer = format_string($this->config->invisible);

return $this->content;
Expand Down
84 changes: 84 additions & 0 deletions blocks/glossary_random/tests/behat/glossary_random_global.feature
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
@block @block_glossary_random
Feature: Random glossary entry block linking to global glossary
In order to show the entries from glossary
As a teacher
I can add the random glossary entry to a course page

Given the following "courses" exist:
| fullname | shortname |
| Course 1 | C1 |
| Course 2 | C2 |
And the following "activities" exist:
| activity | name | intro | course | idnumber | globalglossary | defaultapproval |
| glossary | Tips and Tricks | Frontpage glossary description | C2 | glossary0 | 1 | 1 |
And the following "users" exist:
| username | firstname | lastname | email |
| student1 | Sam1 | Student1 | |
| teacher1 | Terry1 | Teacher1 | |
And the following "course enrolments" exist:
| user | course | role |
| student1 | C1 | student |
| teacher1 | C1 | editingteacher |

Scenario: View random (last) entry in the global glossary
When I log in as "admin"
And I am on site homepage
And I follow "Course 2"
And I follow "Tips and Tricks"
And I press "Add a new entry"
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Concept | Never come late |
| Definition | Come in time for your classes |
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
# As a teacher add a block to the course page linking to the global glossary.
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I turn editing mode on
And I add the "Random glossary entry" block
And I configure the "block_glossary_random" block
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Title | Tip of the day |
| Take entries from this glossary | Tips and Tricks |
| How a new entry is chosen | Last modified entry |
And I press "Save changes"
Then I should see "Never come late" in the "Tip of the day" "block"
And I should not see "Add a new entry" in the "Tip of the day" "block"
And I should see "View all entries" in the "Tip of the day" "block"
And I log out
# Student who can't see the module is still able to view entries in this block (because the glossary was marked as global)
And I log in as "student1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I should see "Never come late" in the "Tip of the day" "block"
And I should not see "Add a new entry" in the "Tip of the day" "block"
And I should see "View all entries" in the "Tip of the day" "block"
And I log out

Scenario: Removing the global glossary that is used in random glossary block
And I log in as "teacher1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And I turn editing mode on
And I add the "Random glossary entry" block
And I configure the "block_glossary_random" block
And I set the following fields to these values:
| Title | Tip of the day |
| Take entries from this glossary | Tips and Tricks |
| How a new entry is chosen | Last modified entry |
And I press "Save changes"
And I log out
And I log in as "admin"
And I am on site homepage
And I follow "Course 2"
And I follow "Tips and Tricks"
And I follow "Edit settings"
And I set the field "globalglossary" to "0"
And I press "Save and return to course"
And I am on site homepage
And I follow "Course 1"
Then I should see "Please configure this block using the edit icon." in the "Tip of the day" "block"
And I log out
And I log in as "student1"
And I follow "Course 1"
And "Tip of the day" "block" should not exist
And I log out

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