I am a ML Scientist at Relation Therapeutics. I work on deep learning with graph-structured data, mostly within biomedical contexts but also in many others! I like thinking about,and working with, complex and dynamic systems at various scales.
I am currently doing things with multi-omics data, relational deep learning, and networks for work/research. For fun, I am currently studying generative modelling and multi-agent systems (some weird non-research projects to arrive here soon).
I’m currently working on PyRelational, a one-stop shop for constructing active learning pipelines.
- PyRelationAL supports:
- Construction of complex active learning pipelines
- Development of novel acquisition functions / strategies / batching methods
- Works with all your favourite ML frameworks and none as well
- Interfacing with other AL packages
- PyRelationAL supports:
I also work in a much less frequent manner on:
- Geo2DR: A library for learning distributed representations of graphs!
- Pytorch Geometric Temporal: A dynamic graph representation library!
📫 How to reach me:
- twitter: @paulmorio
- linkedin: in/paul-scherer
- website: Uni-website