- Melbourne, Australia
- https://linktr.ee/patspam
- @patspam
gatsby-source-prismic Public
Forked from prismicio/prismic-gatsbyGatsby source plugin for building websites using prismic.io as a data source
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2020 -
formik Public
Forked from jaredpalmer/formikBuild forms in React, without the tears 😭
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedMay 7, 2020 -
nvda Public
Forked from nvaccess/nvdaNVDA, the free and open source Screen Reader for Microsoft Windows
Python Other UpdatedNov 2, 2019 -
amplify-cli Public
Forked from aws-amplify/amplify-cliA CLI toolchain for simplifying serverless web and mobile development.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 14, 2019 -
tarpo Public
Data management tool for Dog Health Programs in remote Indigenous Australian communities (Javascript/ExtJS/Air)
oclint-xcodebuild Public
Forked from oclint/oclint-xcodebuildA helper program that converts xcodebuild log to compile_commands.json
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 26, 2014 -
j2objc Public
Forked from google/j2objcA Java to iOS Objective-C translation tool and runtime.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 13, 2014 -
websocket-bench Public
Forked from BedrockStreaming/websocket-benchnodejs tool to benchmark websocket servers (socket.io, faye, primus)
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 1, 2014 -
XVim Public
Forked from XVimProject/XVimXcode plugin for Vim keybindings
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedMay 13, 2013 -
objection Public
Forked from atomicobject/objectionA lightweight dependency injection framework for Objective-C
Objective-C MIT License UpdatedNov 27, 2012 -
Dist::Zilla pre-wired for PDONELAN
wgdev Public
Forked from haarg/wgdevDeveloper utilities for WebGUI, an open source CMS and web framework
webgui Public
Forked from plainblack/webguiA free open source content management system and web application framework. The most widely deployed mod_perl application on the planet.
parrot Public
Forked from parrot/parrotParrot Virtual Machine
Using Perl 6 - a Perl 6 book in development
cpan-api Public
Forked from metacpan/metacpan-apiA free, open API for everything you want to know about CPAN
Filter Log4perl messages based on call frames
Dist::Zilla plugin that compiles Local::Msgfmt .po files to .mo files