0.1.9 Changelog
- added setBrightness() & getBrightness() functions
- enhanced playSong() to support sharp/flat notes
- added setBPM() & getBPM() functions, tuned BPM
- refactored rainbow() to expose wheel() function
- added advanceRainbow() to allow processing between updates to the rainbow
- tested octaves 0-9, and all forms of notes
- rest notes now completely mute the output instead of playing an 8Hz tone
- added Nyan Cat to the Making_Music example to show off the new music/rainbow abilities
- updated README.md and several examples
- added setNumLeds() function to support more than 11 LEDs by default.
- updated NeoPixel library to 0.0.10
- supports Redbear Duo
- did not bother to trim the Neopixel library extras not used on the InternetButton, despite this only 2KB of extra flash is used, examples still compile for Core.
- fixes issue #21 and #22
- disabled all debugging statements (fixes issue #15)