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Nyxtext is a text editor built using Python, with the added functionality of Custom Tkinter. It showcases the elegant Catppuccin color scheme and follows glassmorphic design, providing a visually pleasing experience. This project follows a modular approach, with each element of the text editor organized into separate files for improved clarity and maintainability. NyxText is not only build to be a text editor, but also a AI-powered desktop application that caters to the needs of creatives, developers, and students alike.
Because the application is not signed by Microsoft, Windows Defender blocks it; add an exclusion in Defender to run the application. Its a false positive, the application is safe to use. or build it yourself from the source code.
Nyxtext is a work in progress. We appreciate any contributions, understanding that the project may have bugs, instability, and limited features during the time of active development. Please check back or join our Discord server to see our progress!
Use Nerd Font to avoid any broken symbols : JetbrainsMono Nerd Font
Debian-based Linux distributions (e.g. Ubuntu, Mint)
Open a terminal and run these commands:
git clone --depth 1
sudo apt update
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
python3 -m venv nyxtext
source nyxtext/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python editor/scripts/
Arch Linux
To install NyxText on Arch Linux, you can follow these steps:
sudo pacman -Sy python tk
git clone --depth 1
cd nyxtext
python -m venv nyxtext
source nyxtext/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
python editor/scripts/
I don't have a Mac. If you have a Mac, you can help me a lot by installing Nyxtext and letting me know how well it works.
Download Nyxtext from the releases page and extract it. Then run through Nyxtext.exe
- Simplicity: Keep the user interface clean and intuitive. Avoid cluttering the interface with unnecessary features or options. Focus on providing essential functionality in an easy-to-use manner.
- Customizability: Provide users with options to customize the editor to suit their preferences.
- Modularity: Design the codebase to be modular and extensible.
- Maintainability: Keep the codebase maintainable and readable.
- Community Engagement: Foster a vibrant and inclusive community around the editor. Encourage users to provide feedback, report bugs, and contribute code.
- Feature Rich: Have all the basic features for a text editor
Catppuccin consists of 4 beautiful pastel color palettes.
Thats not it it also has some other custom made themes like lumber and H2O.
The number of themes is not definite, we will be adding more in the future, Also you can make your own.
Image referenced from Catppuccin (4 color palettes 🎨)
- Edit Text files ~ duh.
- Workspace - Work on multiple text file simultaneously.
- Syntax highlighting - For the code space area.
- Catpuccin Color Palette themes(4) + 4 Custom made themes and counting on..
- Dark / Light mode.
- Basic functions (new,open,save,cut,copy, etc.) check menu bar for more..
- FileTree View which shows all your project's files & folders.
- System scaling support.
- Responsive design - 3 modes (windowed, middleman, fullscreen).
- AI assistence, shortcuts to Gemini, ChatGPT, BlackboxAI...
- Integrated Terminal Supports all basic commands, highly customizable, supports multiple tabs to run simultaneously...
- Integrated Gemini: Includes a powerful search bar powered by the Gemini API for easy access to code and content.
- Immersive Mode Fullscreen mode for distraction-free writing. (hides titlebar)
- Accent Picks accent color for the editor (border, title) from you windows theme (windows)
- Glassmorphic design for the editor (windows)
More Soon...
Complete rebase to custom_tkinter- Done 28/02/2024 ✅ -
Integrated Gemini AI- Done 27/04/2024 ✅ -
Open Files- Done 29/7/2024 ✅ - Auto completion, Grammer check
Filetree viewer- Done 02/03/2024 ✅ - Spell Check
Syntax Highlighter- Done 09/03/2024 ✅ ~ Used Chlorophyll - Search & replace
- Split file viewer, comparasion window
- Focus window
- Undo / Redo
- Working Settings page
Terminal Support- Done ✅ ~ Intergated TkTerm - Text Formatting - (Bold, Underline, Bulletpoints)
Glassmorphic design for the editor- Done 30/07/2024 ✅ ~ pywinstyles - Basic file Encryption / Decryption
- Hyperlinks, Markdown support
- Auto completion when pressing Tab for Codespace
- Git support
- Running files in a separate terminal or command prompt window
- Automatic indenting and trailing whitespace stripping when Enter is pressed
- Line length marker
- Code folding
- Multiple files can be opened at the same time like tabs in a web browser
- The tabs can be dragged out of the window to open a new window
It's not responsive as the project is still in early development.- Done 08/03/2024 ✅ -
The editor only works in the full screen at the moment.- Done 08/03/2024 ✅ - Now has 3 modes - Filetree cannot open files
- There is no dynamic heading.
- Search bar does not work.
See Releases.
Install all the python pip packages for alpha stage. If it still doesn't work, let me know by creating an issue on GitHub.
Not at the moment. We are writing the very first version in Neovim
, but will use it when we are done with basic features.
Mythological Inspiration:
draws upon the Greek goddessNyx
, associated with night, creation, and beginnings. This resonates with writers and programmers who often find inspiration during the quiet hours. The name subtly reflects this theme through its potential use of darker design elements. -
Euphony and Distinction:
possesses a pleasant sound withNyx
adding a touch of mystique. This name stands out from common text editors, making it both memorable and unique. -
Symbolic Alignment:
can also symbolize the blank canvas or the void before creation. This perfectly aligns with the core function of a text editor - providing a blank slate for writers and programmers to bring their ideas to life.
You can run NyxText and find out, or create an issue on GitHub and ask. If you manage to make us excited about X, We might implement it.
Because I can.
Because I can.
Because Nyxtext is better.
Thank you for considering contributing to Nyxtext! We welcome contributions from everyone, whether you're fixing a bug, adding a feature, or improving documentation.
NyxText is released under the MIT license: For more convoluted language, see the LICENSE.
Thanks for the initial development of the project, contributing this project :
- Noviciuss for
- depreciated - Castimonia07
Catppuccin platte
- incomplete
Copyright © 2024-present NyxText