A python library for Collecting RTCP-XR (RFC 3611) SIP quality packets
Much thank to the project at: https://github.com/pbertera/vq-collector The core concepts and processing core were taken from there. Most code has been refactored and stripped down.
This is meant to be part of a larger project (hence a library.) I highly suggest you configure your phones to send to your collector with the "name" set to the mac address of the handset. This is the only way to uniquely identify a handset (that I've found at least.)
To run the code with all the defaults:
from rtcpxr_collector import vqcollector
vqs = vqcollector.CollectorServer()
Generally you will use a custom handler, so here's an example:
import datetime
from rtcpxr_collector import vqcollector
def logHandler(r):
print("%s %s %s CQ:%s LQ:%s Local:%s Remote:%s"%(datetime.datetime.now(),
"%s %s"%(r['LocalID']['name'],r['LocalID']['desc']),
"%s %s"%(r['RemoteID']['name'],r['RemoteID']['desc']) ))
return True
vqs = vqcollector.CollectorServer(handler=logHandler)
Maybe you want to run on a non-stadard IP or port:
from rtcpxr_collector import vqcollector
vqs = vqcollector.CollectorServer(local_ip=, port=5061)
The CollectorServer object opens a SIP socket to receive RTCP-XR packets,
parses them, then sends the data to a handler.
local_ip (ipV4 address): [None] Local IPV4 address to bind to (None: Autodetect)
port (int) : [5060] Local Port to bind to
reply_to_socket (bool) : [False] Should we reply to the address from the socket, or the SIP Header
debug (bool) : [False] Print Debugging information
handler (func) : [None] Handler function for recieved data (None: pprint res data)
timeout (int) : [10] Select Timeout in seconds
timeout_handler (func) : [None] Handler for select timeout event
Handler Function:
Takes 1 arg that is the parsed data structure.
Returns: Send Response Packet? True or False