PandOS+ project for operating systems course at University of Bologna, for the year 2022-2023.
compiled files/executables
our documentation.
project specifications.
headers (.h).
helper headers, intended to be "private", used in implementation.
headers readapted from kernel.
headers, given for the project.
misc files for support while developing.
examples, exercises, stuff to make practice while developing.
config files for umps3
suggested vscode settings (for linux/debian-like).
object file (.o) of path-to-c
source files (.c).
source files for phase * of the project.
testers for umps3.
.o files go in obj/
executables go in bin/
compile all .c files and default tests.
show help screen.
don't compile default tests
also compile specified tests, written with path and without extension
- README(.md): git readme.
- README.txt: plaint text readme file.