A small library that makes the izi-travel-api a little easier NPM - https://www.npmjs.com/package/izi-travel-api
- Researched API
- Formulated a call
- Exported and Published the initial version
- Created an Exemplar
- Continued to update
- IZI-TRAVEL-API - Large API storing tourist information
- Node - express, ejs, express-ejs-layouts, body-parser, izi-travel-api(https://www.npmjs.com/package/izi-travel-api)
- Bootstrap - Navbar, Grid
- The izi-travel-api can call multiple locations, but this restricts the amount of data that can be gathered.
- More precise calls can be made.
- Images are not being deleted completely
- The module can store up to 10 api calls of information
- Published on NPM(https://www.npmjs.com/package/izi-travel-api)
- Can take in lattitude and longitude of a tour or museum and plot them
- Image files are being prepared by concatinating multiple uuid's, audio files can be found in a similar way
- There is quite a bit of data being stored on this api
- Code is extensible
- Can take in City Names with spaces
- Refine the initial call
- Add different api functions that are faster and more precise
- Store entire api call in an object
- Justin Mitchell - Initial work - JustinPMitchell
- Special Thanks to Jordan Krissi and Nick Nedev(https://github.com/nnedevn)
- Thanks to Joanne(https://codeburst.io/how-to-create-and-publish-your-first-node-js-module-444e7585b738)