A small library that makes the izi-travel-api a little easier Examples: https://github.com/JustinPMitchell/izi-travel-api-example
npm install izi-travel-api
var izi = require('izi-travel-api');
var clientObject = {};
/* Objects are rendered and manipulated here / function iziCallback(iziObject) { / the iziObject stores information that was difficult to find in the api */ console.log("CLIENT CODE: " + iziObject.iziTitle[0]); clientObject = iziObject; }
/* This call will store one Amsterdam tour object in iziObject */ izi.iziCall("Amsterdam", apiKey, iziCallback);
iziObject = {
iziOriginal: [],
iziTitle: [],
iziType: [],
iziLatitude: [],
iziLongitude: [],
iziCountry: [],
iziDescription: [],
imageFile: [],
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.