Make a web application for blogging with capabilities of handling various users
- CRUD for Users
- CRUD for Blogs, only the users who creates a blog should only be able to modify/delete it.
- All Users should be able to view Blogs which has been posted
- All Users should be able to create Blogs and post it.
- A Users should be able to follow other Users.
- User should be able to Comment on posts.
- User should be able to Like/Unlike a Blog
- Followed Package By Feature, just for practicing
- We are using Slugs for Articles, this would help in SEO.
"id": 31,
"username": "arnavg",
"email": "[email protected]",
"password": "xxxxxxxx",
"authToken": "dakjghadlghadlghladhgkgdklgladkgjadlkgd"
"bio": "writes really good articles!",
"image": ""
"username": "arnavg",
"bio": "writes really good articles!",
"image": ""
"id": 134,
"title": "How the stock market fell in 2022",
"slug": "how-stock-market-fell-2022"
"subtitle": "An article about how the stock market had a crash in 2022",
"body" : "This is an article about ..... <b>stock market</b> .... <i>2022</i> .........",
"createdAt": "2022-02-06 03:40:55",
"tags" : ["finance", "stocks"]
"id": 1344,
"title": "great article",
"body" : "this was a great article, loved reading it!",
"createdAt: "2022-02-07 03:40:55"
"message": "User with username: arnav123 not found"
create a new user
get all articles (default page size 10) available filters
create a new article
edit an article
get all comments of an article