Appointment booking system. The system is designed to allow patients to book appointments with a practice. The practice offers appointments of three different types: 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 90 minutes. The main function of the system is to provide a list of available appointment slots for a given date range, while giving priority to long-duration appointments.
The booking system is designed with the following assumptions:
- The practice is open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.
- Time slots for appointments are always on the quarter hour (e.g. 8:00, 8:15, 8:30, 8:45, etc.).
- Users do not care about the exact time within a 60-minute window, as long as it is within that window.
The system is designed to be used from the command line. The user can:
- Add a new appointment. Any free time slot can be used. not only those provided by the optimized list.
- See booked appointments
- List available appointment slots for a given date range, for a given appointment type.
- List available appointment slots for a given date range, for a given appointment type. Optimized to show a maximum of 1 appointment per 60 minutes. This optimizations is used to give as much space as possible to long-duration appointments.
- Fill random appointments for a given appointment type, up to a given percentage.
- Set the from and to date range for the previous commands to use. [default: now to end of the day]
The system is designed to give priority to long-duration appointments. This is done by using an optimization algorithm that tries to maximize the number of long-duration appointments that can be booked. When multiple time-slots for an appointment are available for the same 60-minute window, the system will check which of those time-slots if used, will allow space for the most long-duration appointments to be booked in the future.
- Set up error system so that error codes will be used instead of strings, and disallow unwrap usage (
- Set up translation system for display names
- Better validation for command-line arguments
- Improve optimization for long-duration appointments by using historic data
cargo run
Then follow instructions.
cargo test