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Old Release Process
- Introduction
- Prerequisites
- Ensuring that the codebase is ready
- Snapshot Deployment to Sonatype
- Releasing the Core to Maven Central
- Releasing the IDE
- Preparing the development branch for future development
- Other things that need to be done
This page describes the old release procedure, which consists of a number of manual steps for releasing Overture. Although the old release procedure still works, it is recommended to use the new release procedure, which uses scripts/automation to achieve the same.
Before you do anything with releases, you will need a login to access http://oss.sonatype.org; get it by signing up to their issues tracker. Once that's done, ask @peterwvj or @CThuleHansen to submit a ticket there to have your userid granted rights to publish to the org.overturetool
repository on Maven Central. This ticket is a reasonable template for this.
You will need to set up GPG per the Working with PGP Signatures page.
You will also need to obtain a certificate store to sign the release, and configure the settings.xml properties accordingly.
The pom.xml
files should occasionally be verified against Sonatype's requirements for projects. If this is the first time you've done a release, it is strongly suggested that you check the requirements against the pom.xml
files. Even if everything checks out, it's a good exercise to familiarise yourself with the structure of the build.
The reference guide for the whole process is in Sonatype's OSSRH guide. The specific deployment guide for Maven describes a slightly different process than is described below; at some point Overture should update to the current process. In the meantime, make sure your local ~/.m2/settings.xml
has the (filled-in version of) the skeleton settings are in the file overture_settings.xml
in the repository.
This guide assumes that the current development version is ${OLD_DEV_VER}
, the next release is ${RELEASE_VER}
, and the next development version is ${NEW_DEV_VER}
. Note that the numbering scheme we use for development versions is x.y.z-SNAPSHOT
where z
is odd; and for release versions is x.y.z
where z
is even. This constraint is an artefact of the interaction between Maven, Eclipse, and our particular build configuration. We also use ${NEW_DEV_VER_PLAIN}
to mean the new development version without the -SNAPSHOT
Finally, all commands are executed from the root of the working tree of the code repository.
Before performing an actual actual, it's necessary to produce a release candidate. The candidate is just the HEAD of development
and builds for it can be grabbed from the build server. The release candidate then needs to be distributed internally via the core mailing list ([email protected]) for testing (usually a couple of weeks). Once internal testing is cleared, you can proceed with the release.
As a minimum it must be checked that the main features of the tool work - see UI Testing Checklist.
Start by creating the new release notes: move any open issues on GitHub that won't be fixed in the current version milestone to the next expected version milestone, and create the release notes in documentation/releasenotes
(see the README.md for details), and commit & push them.
Create a fresh clone of the whole Overture repository; the simplest way of doing this is to clone it directly from GitHub; however, it is faster to clone it locally and fix the remote settings to point to GitHub (how to do the latter method is out of scope of this document). Once cloned, ensure that the correct revision is checked out into the working directory.
Run mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository -Pforce-download-externals
to build the core libraries; setting the repo variable will use a new repository, and force a fresh download of everything. Follow that with mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository -Pall-platforms -f ide/pom.xml
to build the Eclipse plugins.
Do not go any further unless the previous build steps succeeded completely.
The following sections needs to be updated. We have a new release script which runs release:perform and corrects the branches before pushing and releasing. The is done automatically using the task described below but such that all maven-release-plugin commits are correct and enables the maven-release-plugin to perform a single normal release or the complete repo in one-go
- Ensure that your
is correctly configured with the keystore path and passwords (see theoverture_settings.xml
in the root of the overture repository.
If you need to assemble the keystore from a cert, chain and key you can do as follows:
openssl pkcs12 -export -in cert.crt -inkey private.key -certfile cert.crt -name <certificate(alias)_name> -out keystore.p12
and then make the keystore:
keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore keystore.p12 -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore keystore.jks -deststoretype JKS
keytool -genkey -alias -keystore eclipse-signing.keystore \
-storepass PASSWORD -validity 4360
- Ensure that your
is correctly configured with your Sonatype login details (see theoverture_settings.xml
in the root of the overture repository. - Then do
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository deploy
Once the deploy has finished, that snapshot will be available via the Sonatype Maven repositories.
Run git checkout -b release
to create a new release
branch to work in.
An actual release of the core libraries comes down to:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository release:clean
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository release:prepare -DreleaseVersion=${RELEASE_VER} -DdevelopmentVersion=${NEW_DEV_VER}
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository release:perform
- The first command is a straightforward clean.
- The second preps for a release, which involves changing pom versions, tagging the git repo, and making a few commits. Because of the way our build is split between the core, maven-managed portion and the tycho-managed
subtree, we will have to move some branches around afterwards. - The third actually does the build and release of the core jars --- this includes checking out the whole repository fresh from GitHub in the
directory, then building in there.
After the release:perform
step has completed successfully, log into Sonatype's OSS Nexus server, choose Staging Repositories from the left side-menu, and scroll down to find and select the overturetool.org repository (it should be there if the release:perform
step, above, succeeded). Once selected you will need to Close then Release the repository (with a delay between them to allow the server to perform some validation and verification of the metadata). Once that has been done, the core jars are released.
Now we need to get the ide/
subdirectory up to date. Start by resetting some branches (from the repo root):
git branch -f development
git checkout -B release Release/${RELEASE_VER}
This will move the main development branch pointer up to the ${NEW_DEV_VER}
commit that release:prepare
created, and then shift the release branch back down to the ${RELEASE_VER}
version that was deployed out to Sonatype.
Then open ide/pom.xml
and manually correct the parent pom version to ${RELEASE_VER}
, and add a <version>${OLD_DEV_VER}</version>
tag (outside the <parent>
tags), then run:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository -Dtycho.mode=maven tycho-versions:set-version -DnewVersion=${RELEASE_VER} -f ide/pom.xml
git add .
git commit -m "Bump ide/ to version ${RELEASE_VER}"
That will toast the <version>
tag that was just added to the pom.xml
(which is fine), and update all of the relevant version numbers in the ide/
This needs rewriting. Now there is a
profile which handles this
git checkout master
git merge --no-ff release
git tag -f Release/${RELEASE_VER}
Check ide/product/overture.product
to make sure that the osgi.instance.area.default
property has the value "@user.home/Documents/Overture/workspace
. This should have been handled correctly by the merge of release into master and the fact that we're using --no-ff
to do this.
Next, you must configure the update site for IDE so that it points to the release site instead of development. This is done by editing ide/product/src/main/resources/overture.p2.inf
. Look for the following lines:
addRepository(type:0,name:Overture Development,enabled:true,location:http${#58}//dl.bintray.com/overturetool/overturetool-development/);\
addRepository(type:1,name:Overture Development,enabled:true,location:http${#58}//dl.bintray.com/overturetool/overturetool-development/);
Switch the 4 booleans around so that Overture
becomes enabled:true
and Overture Development
becomes enabled:false
. Commit this change.
You should now be ready to push out the release. The following git commands will then reset the Release tag and push the release branch and tag up to GitHub.
git push -f origin master Release/${RELEASE_VER}
Then it's a matter of triggering the overture-master job on the buildserver and uploading the results to various places. This includes:
- Creating a new release on GitHub at https://github.com/overturetool/overture/releases
- Uploading the distribution files (
) and commandline jar (target/checkout/core/commandline/target/Overture-${RELEASE_VER}.jar
) to the GitHub release. -
- Make sure you sign this before uploading it
- the master job pushes the
repository to bintray.com making it show up in self-update
Finally, we need to prepare the development
branch for future development. The use of the rebase
command below looks scary, but as long as the commands above were followed precisely, this will work. The idea is to move the commit that set the versions to ${NEW_DEV_VER}
in the core/
directories from behind the versioning of ide/
to after.
git checkout development
git rebase release
git branch -D release
Next we need to correct the versions in ide/
(again, but for development this time). Open ide/pom.xml
and manually correct the parent pom version to ${NEW_DEV_VER}
, and add a <version>${RELEASE_VER}</version>
tag (outside the <parent>
tags), then run:
mvn -Dmaven.repo.local=repository -Dtycho.mode=maven tycho-versions:set-version -DnewVersion=${NEW_DEV_VER} -f ide/pom.xml
git add .
git commit -m "Bump ide/ to version ${NEW_DEV_VER}"
git tag Dev/${NEW_DEV_VER_PLAIN}
The development
branch should now be ready to go. Please check ide/product/overture.product
and make sure that the osg.instance.area.default
property is not set. Also check ide/product/src/main/resources/overture.p2.inf
and make sure that the booleans are set correctly (Overture, enabled:false
and Overture Development, enabled:true
). If everything is ok, push delopment
and the corresponding tag up to GitHub, then delete the release branch.
git push origin development Dev/${NEW_DEV_VER_PLAIN}
git push origin :release
Once the build process has finished, the main website must be updated to use the same examples as are present in the shipped tool. As a general rule, the website may have examples more recent than those of the current tool release, but it should not have examples older than those of the current release.
To perform the update two repositories must be cloned locally:
- the documentation repository, which is the canonical source for the examples; and,
- the website repository, which stores the source for the http://overturetool.org/ website.
We will use ${DOC}
and ${WEB}
to refer to the root directories of the checkouts of these repositories, and we'll assume that the appropriate version is checked out.
The first step is to grab the documentation and example updates. This is done in ${DOC}
by merging the editing
branch into master
(the master branch is used for the website examples and manuals).
git checkout master
git merge origin/editing
git push origin master
Now, generate the web-ready versions of the examples:
cd ${DOC}/examples
This will run through all of the examples and place ready-to-publish versions into ${DOC}/examples/target
. Then we need to replace the examples in the website repsitory.
cd ${WEB}/download/examples
rm -r Examples-VDM*.zip VDM*
mv ${DOC}/examples/target/Examples-VDM*.zip ${DOC}/examples/target/Web/VDM* .
Once that is done, commit everything in the ${WEB}/download/examples
directory and push it up to GitHub. The website at overturetool.org is built using GitHub Pages, and a push will automatically rebuild the website (within a 10 minute window, typically).