What's Changed
🛠 Breaking Changes
5dae200 refactor(Maven)!: Introduce a function type to resolve packages
🐞 Bug Fixes
c41be5d maven: Avoid deduplication in Tycho dependency trees
c17b452 scanoss: Make the API key an optional secret again
21b05f6 spdx: Add missing aliases for config options
b4511e3 web-app-template: Fix concluded license in table view
🎉 New Features
6e94cb3 Maven: Filter source bundles from dependencies
826652a Maven: Obtain package metadata for Tycho OSGi artifacts
✅ Tests
beb1db8 model: Increase timeout for performance tests
🐘 Build & ⚙️ CI
5162e66 advisors: Do not explicitly depend on testUtils
22bc094 scanoss: Remove unused dependencies
6a24ab7 website: Fail the build on broken anchors
📖 Documentation
3359f31 spdx-document: Fix-up a URL
a667c72 website: Replace Algolia with local search
99eb307 Fix a broken anchor warning from Docusaurus
🔧 Chores
0fc16c1 docker: Consistently upper-case the AS
3c8d858 scanoss: Do not hard-code the default API URL anymore
45fde4d spdx-utils: Use 'SpdxModelMapper's in
yamlMapper` in a test
🚀 Dependency Updates
73f3a58 update actions/attest-build-provenance digest to bd77c07
a94da70 update actions/attest-build-provenance digest to c074443
1eeb4ac update com.blackduck.integration:blackduck-common to v67.0.5
a8f47a9 update exposed to v0.60.0
6a9a8fc update io.mockk:mockk to v1.13.17
050fef4 update jackson monorepo to v2.18.3
a625863 update ksp monorepo to v2.1.10-1.0.31
0e8a2f9 update org.wiremock:wiremock to v3.12.1
efa1bac update to v2.30.31
🚜 Refactorings
7223922 spdx-util: Split out document-related code to a separate module
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