Several LUA utility functions for Ferals in classic World of Warcraft (1.12.1). Used optimally together with WeakAuras. Credit to Cernie at for functions used to scan the tooltip for getting MCP charges
Author: Oskros
Download the repository, unzip the FeralHelper folder into WoW directory Interface/Addons folder. Remove "-master" from the folder name.
You can use the following functions in macros and WeakAuras
Get text printout of charges for a specific MCP. Leave arguments empty to get charges for current equipped MCP. Can be passed on to the example below to get an integer output
/run print(FH_PummelerChargesText{bag=0, slot=14})
/run print(FH_PummelerChargesNumber(FH_PummelerChargesText{bag=0, slot=14}))
Get all available MCP charges in bag and equipped
/run print(FH_AvailablePummelerCharges())
Get bag position of first encountered item by name. Set second argument to true if scanning for MCP and you only want to return a MCP with 3 charges
/run print(FH_ItemBagPosition("Manual Crowd Pummeler", false))
Check if the player has a specific buff active (test by SpellID) - example is for Clearcasting
/run print(FH_PlayerHasBuff(16870))
Determine SpellIconID of the next spell/ability to cast in the optimal feral DPS rotation during raids. Can be set-up with WeakAuras to show a dynamic changing icon
/run print(FH_GetNextSpell())