Kafka E-Commerce is demo "distributed" system used to learn the basics of Apache Kafka. Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform. Kafka E-Commerce simulates an e-commerce system with the following functionalities:
- A user can add items to their cart and place an order
- Payment is processed for the order while an email sent to the user informing them that their order has been placed
- The fulfillment team processed and fulfils the order
- The user is notified that their order has been dispatched
Clone the repository and in the root folder, run the following command
$ docker-compose up -d
This builds (if running for the first time) and starts the Docker containers. To see the logs of each service as it communicates with the broker, open each container log in a separate terminal.
The "frontends" are REST endpoints that can be called with curl
or using a tool like Postman or Insomnia.
GET http://localhost:8080/marketplace/products
POST http://localhost:8080/marketplace/add
"userId": 1,
"productId": 18,
"quantity": 5
POST http://localhost:8080/marketplace/order
"userId": 1
GET http://localhost:6000/fulfilment/list
GET http://localhost:6000/fulfilment/list?is_fulfilled=false
GET http://localhost:6000/fulfilment/list?is_fulfilled=true
POST http://localhost:6000/fulfilment/process
"order_id": "acf1e7ff-75da-4f01-b52f-2d38cf09eba9"
- Docker
- Java + Spring Boot
- Python + FastAPI
- Apache Kafka