A shell script I use to setup my mac.
Feel free to suggest other great tools!
Clone this repo to your mac.
git clone [email protected]:fharper/macsetup.git
Once cloned, you will need to give execute permission to the script. Replace the path with where you cloned the repository.
chmod +x /path/to/script/macsetup.sh
Now, you can run the script.
If you are already in the repository directory, you can run simplify the command like this:
This script will make configuration changes to:
- MacOS preferences
- Development tools (installation)
- Development environment (SSH, etc)
- Install apps
- Default file type association
- Minimize window into application icon
- Show the Library folder
- Allow apps from anywhere to be installed without warning
- Activate silent clicking
- Show all hidden files in Finder
- New Finder windows in my Downloads folder
- Show all file extensions
- Show battery percentage
- Add system menu items for volume and Bluetooth
- Expand save panel
- Disable the accent characters menu
- Disable the look up & data detector on Trackpad
- Disable Mission Control and Exposé Gestures on Trackpad
- Disable Show Notification Center on Trackpad
- Disable Launchpad and Show Desktop Gestures on Trackpad
- Disable Guest Account
- Prevent .DS_Store file creation on network volumes
- Disable feedback on volume change
- Deactivate the Chrome printing dialog
- Disable the Notifications Center but don't remove the menubar icon
- (TODO) Deactivate Play user interface sound effects
- Generate the locate database
- Create symlinks between system folders and Dropbox
- Finder display settings
- Git configuration
- Change clock format
- Set computer name
- Search the current folder by default in Finder
- iTerm (terminal replacement)
- Homebrew
- Homebrew Cask
- Mac App Store CLI
- Pip (python package manager)
- Bundler (ruby gems manager)
- Xcode
- Antibody (shell plugin manager)
- git-open (CLI utility)
- open-pr (CLI utility)
- hub (CLI utility)
- Node 7.X
- npm & yarn
- Caffeine
- Python 3.7.0
- MySQL-shell
- (TODO) Android Studio SDK & tools
- Public SSH key
- Chrome
- Brave browser
- Firefox
- Opera
- Parcel
- TweetDeck
- Battle.net
- Steam
- Boxer
- OpenEmu
- Slack
- Messenger
- Discord
- Signal
- Spotify
- Stars by Karelia
- Noizio
- Todoist
- Evernote
- MacDown
- MindNode
- Dropbox
- Revisions for Dropbox
- Cryptomator
- FileZilla
- LZip
- PDFSam Basic
- Calibre
- The Unarchiver
- Camtasia
- Gimp
- iMovie
- Lightshot
- Luminar
- Kaleidoscope
- Inkscape
- Asciinema
- Duplicate Photo Fixer Pro
- Visual studio code
- Postman
- Teamviewer
- Bartender
- Menubar Countdown
- Battery Indicator
- Moom
- The Clock
- BetterTouchTool
- 1Password
- Alfred 3
- TripMode
- Hammerspoon
- Appcleaner
- CopyClip
- DaisyDisk
- Mate Translator
- Time Sink
- Rightzoom
- Zoom it
- YubiKey Personalization Tool
- Larch