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ortic forum

This repository contains a simple forum solution for concrete5 v8+ and PHP 7+.

Instead of using pages for everything, this forum uses a lean structure that should be more performant than a page + attribute based solution. Each topic is a page in concrete5, but the actual messages are stored in dedicated tables to make things faster and easier to handle.


Copy the content of this repository to your packages directory and save everything in a folder called ortic_forum. Install the package in the concrete5 UI. This will create a new page type called Forum. Simply create a new page of that type to add a forum to your sitemap. Feel free to create as many forums as you want


You can customize the forum by copying config/ortic_forum.php to application/config/ortic_forum/ortic_forum.php.

  • admin_group The group of users that has the permission to update and delete forum messages of others.
  • attachment_fileset_name The name of the fileset to which the files from the forum will be added.


  • Simply create a new page using the "forum" page type. You can have as many of those pages as you like. That allows you to have several topics.
  • There's a forum news block you can use to post a list of the most recent forum messages.

Customizing output

  • The forum uses single pages to render its output. Make sure you properly implement view.php in your theme. The forum will be rendered where view.php echo's $innerContent.

  • If that isn't enough, copy the content of to application/single_pages/forum.php and amend whatever you'd like to change. The same works for forum_topic.php.

  • If that isn't enough, create a file called forum.php in your theme. Include the header, footer and whatever else you include from your view.php. Instead of echoing the content of $innerContent, use the content of and change whatever you like.

  • You can also override the email by copying new_answer.php to your application's mail directory.

  • You can also override the elements. If you don't like the output of the avatar, copy user_avatar.php from elements to application/elements and change whatever you like.


A simple forum solution for concrete5







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